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Te hātepe whakaaetanga - whakakūiti ratonga

Consent processing - streamline service

Our streamline service

The streamline service is a fast online consenting service for simple projects with a high quality application.

We will assess whether applications are eligible for a streamline service based on the complexity of the project and the quality of information provided.

Key features of our streamline service

  • You will get a building or resource consent decision within 10 working days.
  • You will have access to a simple online process to track the progress of your consent.
  • You will have a nominated contact point for advice and guidance.

Eligibility for our streamline service

Low complexity projects that need resource consent and/or building consent may be eligible for this service.

  • Building consent examples - garages and carports, retaining walls, plumbing and drainage, minor alterations and additions, decks and fencing.
  • Resource consent examples - straightforward additions and alterations to an existing house, swimming pools, new decks to the rear of the house, and minor changes to an existing resource consent.

Getting written approval from any neighbours that might be affected by the work could help get your consent streamlined.

Applications must contain all of the information we require. We recommend using the relevant lodgement checklist to ensure applications are fully complete.

Fees for our streamline service

The type of fee you need to pay depends on the type of streamline application you are making. The possible fee types are:

  • fixed fee
  • base fee
  • upfront deposit.

If you are paying an upfront deposit or a base fee, further charges for your streamline application will be based on project complexity.

All building consents, including fixed fee consents, will be subject to additional fees for Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) processing (excludes subsidised applications).

Get more information about our streamline service

For more information, contact us on 09 301 0101.