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Te Hōtaka mō te Wai Ora, mō te Haumanu nā te Manawaroa i te Waipuke

Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience Haumanu Programme

The Haumanu programme uses a system known as ‘biobanking’, where developers help fund improvements to other river ecosystems if some ecological decline cannot be prevented in their own project.
A completed Ecobank project at Sherwood Reserve, on the Taiaotea stream in Browns Bay.

The Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience Haumanu programme delivers meaningful environmental improvement for Tāmaki Makaurau's waterways.

It does this by connecting developers with opportunities when they cannot avoid negative environmental impacts within their own project.

Organisations can access our network of projects if they have already tried to mitigate the adverse environmental effects of their developments.

The Haumanu programme is managed by the Commercial and Property team in the Healthy Waters and Flood Resilience department.

About our programme

The Haumanu programme aims to deliver high-quality ecological projects:

  • by helping applicants purchase credits to satisfy the conditions of their resource consent application
  • with more benefits for the environment than smaller, individual projects
  • to ensure long-term benefits by maintaining these projects.

Why our programme is needed

Our Haumanu programme can help resource consent applicants find projects that can benefit from extra funding for ecological improvements, particularly in urban areas.

The programme can combine the needs of multiple resource consent applications to deliver impactful larger ecological projects with long-term benefits on public land.

How to join the Haumanu programme

To join the Haumanu programme email to request an application form.

We will assess and match your application with the Haumanu programme's ecological projects. Information about the number and cost of credits required will be shared with the applicants.

How projects are delivered

After the council has sold all the credits, it will deliver the project using specialist council contractors.

More information

Email the Commercial and Property team at for more information.

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