Whakakorea te wairehu māheuheu otaota i tō rohenga whenua (Kāore he rehita wairehu) i runga i te tuihono
Use this online form to let us know that you don't want us to spray weeds on the berm or park boundary of your property.
You should know
By completing this form you accept responsibility for controlling the weeds. If you don't control the weeds, we will resume spraying.
You will need a proof of address to request that we add your property to the no-spray register.
This could be your:
You can upload a proof of address with this form or you can provide it later.
We will use the information you provide in this form for the purpose of your intended interaction with us, and we may use it for training purposes.
See our privacy policy for more information.
It will take about five minutes to complete this form.
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