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More Many of our services are closed over Christmas but our contact centre will prioritise urgent safety calls. Check our website or read Our Auckland for information on services that are closed or reduced over summer - Learn moreReduced services

Rīpoatahia he tupu orotā, he kīrehe orotā, he tipu urutā rānei

Report a pest plant, pest animal or plant disease

​Pest plants, pest animals or plant diseases

We implement pest management programmes for specific types of pests.

We need your help to report pests that are targeted for eradication or progressive containment by the council across the region and on Aotea / Great Barrier.

See the list of pests we control in the Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP).

For information on all pests in Auckland, see Tiaki Tāmaki Makaurau

Report your pest problem to us online

If you see a pest plant, pest animal or plant disease, you can report it to us online.

Report now

Tell us the details, upload a picture and we will respond to your enquiry within five working days.

To report a nuisance caused by a domesticated animal, call us on 09 301 0101.

When to contact Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)

The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) is responsible for managing exotic pests when they enter our country.

If you see an exotic pest, or have information on them, notify (MPI) on 0800 80 99 66.

You can also visit the MPI pest search to see if the pest is known to be in New Zealand.

From time to time, MPI will identify threats from new pest species. When there is a threat, they will lead a national response to prevent the new pest from establishing.

Marine pests

Pest seaweed - exotic caulerpa

The pest seaweed, exotic caulerpa, has been found off Aotea / Great Barrier Island, Waiheke Island and Kawau Island.

It is important you:

  • report sightings to MPI
  • keep your boat and gear clean
  • know the restrictions on anchoring, movement of vessels and fishing in the area.

For more information, see the Ministry for Primary Industries or OurAuckland.

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