Kia whai wāhanga koe ki ngā Kōrerorero a Tāmaki Makaurau
Be part of Auckland Conversations
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What are Auckland Conversations
Auckland Conversations are a series of free events presenting expert speakers from all over the world.
Each event is designed to offer ideas, inspiration and action for world-class cities. They aim to spark debate around possibilities for the future.
Attend or watch an Auckland Conversations event
You can register to attend an event at the
Auckland Conversations site.
If you can't attend an event in person, all events are
live streamed on the website. You can also catch up on past events on demand.
Join the conversation
#AklConversations and
@aklconvs on Twitter to join the conversation live during the events and create an active social community.
Contact us
You can make enquiries about Auckland Conversations by
emailing the Auckland Conversations team or calling us on 09 301 0101.
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