Pānuitia te panonitanga o te ingoa, o te tumuaki, o tētahi kaipupuri hea rānei o te kamupene
Notify a change of company name, director or shareholder for an alcohol business
Inform the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) if your company holds an alcohol licence and there are changes to your company structure.
Changes to private or public company structure
If you are a private company, you should inform ARLA if there is a change in the shareholders and directors.
If you are a public company, you should inform ARLA if:
- there is a change in the company's directors
- a person buys 20 per cent of the company's shares that they did not own when the alcohol licence was granted.
How to notify Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority
Notify ARLA within 10 working days if:
- the company's board is aware of any change to the company structure
- a company with an alcohol licence changes its name.
Send an email to arla@justice.govt.nz as your notification. There is no specific form to use.
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