Walking time 70 mins
Walking steps 4680 steps
Distance 3.6 km
Whitford Path - Path start.
Whitford Path - Path alongside Whitford-Maraetai Road.
Whitford Path - Path through Whitford Village Green.
Whitford Path - Bridge over Turanga Creek.
Whitford Path - Whitford Wharf.
Whitford Path - Steps up to viewing platform.
Whitford Path - Viewing platform.
Whitford Path - Path follows footpath along Whitford Wharf Road.
Whitford Path - Take care connecting alongside the Whitford Maraetai Road to Wades Walkway.
Whitford Path - Turanga Reserve – Wades Walkway start.
Whitford Path - View over Turanga Creek.
Whitford Path - Gravel path connection to Wades Road.
Whitford Path - Path end or alternative start point from Wades Road.
Whitford Path - Pohutukawa Park playground.
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Starts at 38 Whitford-Maraetai Road, Whitford
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A peaceful, scenic path winding around Tūranga Creek in Whitford. The path is a mix of paved and gravel surfaces.
Start your walk at the Whitford Village Green. Across Whitford-Maraetai Road there is a children's playground at Pōhutukawa Park.
Stroll through Whitford village, before making your way along a short section of the route on the edge of Whitford-Maraetai Road (take care in this area).
From here, the path follows the western side of Tūranga Creek. There are great views from the viewing platform on the way.
Prior to the arrival of people, the Tūranga Valley had substantial rainforest covering the hills. Birdlife once thrived here including moa and other flightless birds. According to Ngai Tai korero, the Tainui Waka moored to a large rock in this place, leading to the name Tūranga (anchorage or standing place).
A ferry service from Auckland operated up the Tūranga River from the 1860s until 1927 when road transport improved.
Walking 60 mins
Distance 3 km
Walking 55 mins
Distance 3.5 km
Open green space with a parking area on the northern side of Whitford-Maraetai Road.
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