Walking time 10 mins
Walking steps 949 steps
Distance 730 m
Craigavon Path - Playground at Craigavon Park.
Craigavon Path - Trees along the walk in Craigavon Park.
Craigavon Path - Gravel path through bush.
Craigavon Path - Dog play equipment.
Craigavon Path - Dog play area.
Craigavon Path - Fern koru in the bush area.
Craigavon Path - Sealed part of the path and creek crossing.
Craigavon Path - Gravel section of the path through the bush.
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Starts at 85 Connaught Street, Blockhouse Bay
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Combine walking the dog, a play in the playground and enjoy a scenic walk through bush while at Craigavon Park. The path itself is mainly gravel and would suit a sturdy buggy. There is also a circuit of fitness stations along the way nestled into the bush.
The dog park offers a range of obstacles and structures for you and your dog to play in. There is a simple kids playground alongside the car park which you can enjoy before or after your walk.
Walking 45 mins
Distance 3 km
Walking 20 mins
Cycling 10 mins
Distance 1.5 km
Walking 10 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 700 m
Blockhouse Bay
Large park with a playground, accessible toilets, car park, fitness equipment, picnic tables and seating, barbecues, and drinking fountains.
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