Walking time 50 mins
Walking steps 5200 steps
Cycling time 25 mins
Distance 4 km
Karaka Path - Start of the path at the car park on Milano Boulevard.
Karaka Path - Playground at Kaakaho / Milano Reserve.
Karaka Path - A typical section of path along the Manukau Harbour.
Karaka Path - A view of the Manukau Harbour.
Karaka Path - Access from Milano Boulevard.
Karaka Path - A view of the path with a few inclines.
Karaka Path - A view looking east to the motorway.
Karaka Path - Typical section of the path.
Karaka Path - Places to stop and rest overlooking the wetland.
Karaka Path - Shared path alongside Harbourside Drive.
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Starts at 17 Milano Boulevard, Karaka
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A lovely scenic walk or cycle along the Pahurehure Inlet and residential Karaka.
The wide concrete shared path is great for pushchairs and bikes. The path is mostly flat, with a couple of 'ups and downs' along the waterfront which will get your legs pumping. Other than a few road crossings, the route is all off-road on a shared path.
There's seating along the way to pause and enjoy the great views over the Manukau Harbour.
Kids will have a blast climbing, sliding and swinging at the playground in Kaakaho / Milano Reserve. The path passes the playground twice – so there are opportunities to play on your way there and back.
Start anywhere along the loop. You can also reach the path start at Pescara Point by walking or cycling along the shared path - cross at the signals.
Walking 50 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 3.3 km
Walking 40 mins
Distance 2.6 km
Walking 15 mins
Distance 800 m
Strip reserve with a playground and seating.
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