Walking time 15 mins
Walking steps 1170 steps
Distance 900 m
Starling Park Path - Path start from main car park.
Starling Park Path - Path runs around established trees.
Starling Park Path - Kids playground.
Starling Park Path - Basketball court.
Starling Park Path - Skate park.
Starling Park Path - Path running around the sports fields.
Starling Park Path - Access from Waitemata Drive.
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Starts at 34-44 Glen Road, Ranui
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Te Poi / Starling Park in Ranui offers great views of the Waitakere Ranges, with fun activities the whole whānau.
Take an easy stroll on the flat, paved path around the park. The path is also a safe place for kids to learn to ride.
Check out the action on the sports fields, or bring a ball and have a kick around the fields with the children.
There's also a basketball court, skate park and playground.
Walking 10 mins
Walking 50 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 4 km
Walking 15 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1000 m
A large park with a car park, toilets, playground, skate park, basketball court, sports fields, and fitness equipment.
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