Walking time 15 mins
Walking steps 1170 steps
Distance 900 m
Xena Park Path - Access from Rissington Avenue.
Xena Park Path - Short bridge to kids playground.
Xena Park Path - Kids playground.
Xena Park Path - Safe crossing over Lake Panorama Drive.
Xena Park Path - Path through established trees and bush.
Xena Park Path - Short boardwalk section of the path.
Xena Park Path - Panoramic lake views.
Xena Park Path - Path around west side of lake.
Xena Park Path - Picnic areas are also available.
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Starts at 1 Rissington Avenue, Henderson
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A great short walk around picturesque Lake Panorama in Henderson.
Start your walk at the Xena Park playground, which features tyre swings, a spinning climbing web, and slides. The path network in Xena Park connects to surrounding streets, making this a good option to extend your walk if you'd like a longer circuit.
Cross Lake Panorama Drive and follow the path around the Lake Panorama stormwater pond. You'll stroll through established trees, bush and flax on this pleasant walk.
Enjoy panoramic lake views and check out the huge lily pads on the lake.
Walking 15 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1.2 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 1.7 km
Walking 25 mins
Distance 1.75 km
Large open space with a good network of paths and bridges, a playground and seating.
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