Walking time 15 mins
Walking steps 1690 steps
Cycling time 5 mins
Distance 1.3 km
Crossfield Path - Skate park at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Basketball court and playground at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Playground at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Basketball court at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Car parking area at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Skatepark at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Sport fields at Crossfield Reserve.
Crossfield Path - Path alongside sport fields at Crossfield Reserve.
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Starts at 83 Crossfield Road, Glendowie
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A lovely flat walk around Crossfield Reserve, an open green space nestled into Mt Taylor.
There you will find a great playground and adjacent basketball court.
If you have kids with scooters there is a nice little concrete dish to scooter in. If they are a bit more adventurous, a skate park isn't far away.
There is heaps of flat open grass to kick a ball or lap up the sunshine.
Walking 10 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 700 m
Walking 15 mins
Distance 1.2 km
Walking 40 mins
Distance 1.8 km
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