The tennis courts are by Albany Village Hall off Dairy Flat Highway.
The tennis courts are next to the playground. They are open to the public when not in use by the tennis club.
The court is along Armour Road towards the eastern end of the reserve.
The courts are next to the playground at the end of Foch Avenue.
The courts are at the entrance to the park at the end of Baddeleys Beach Road.
The court is near the entrance of the reserve.
The court is next to the playground.
Join Clevedon Tennis Club to play on the courts.
The court is along the footpath.
The courts are on the corner of West End Road and Fife Street towards the western end of the reserve.
The tennis court is along the footpath past the playground.
The courts are by the car park and playground.
Home to Whangaparāoa Tennis Club, these courts are towards the southern end of the park.
The courts are towards the end of the park by the car park.
The court is at the entrance of the domain by Olea Road.
The court is next to Clendon Park Community House.
Join Browns Bay Racquets Club to access the courts by the car park.
Home to Mahurangi East Tennis Club, these courts are off Mahurangi East Road.
Join Greenhithe Tennis Club to play on the courts towards the western end of the park.
There is a combined court towards the northern end of the park.
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