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Auckland Council The Auckland Plan

Direction 1: Advance Māori wellbeing

​Ara 1: Kōkiri i te oranga tonutanga Māori

Māori identity and wellbeing thrives when whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori communities lead healthy and prosperous lives. Their housing, employment, education, and health needs need to be met and they should be empowered to lead an equitable transition to a low-carbon Aotearoa.

To advance Māori wellbeing we need a holistic approach, one in which rangatiratanga is central.

44% of Māori felt involvement in Māori culture was quite/very important. 39% visited their marae last year. 38% registered with iwi. 83% saw whānau not living with them last month. 56% felt it was easy/very easy to find help with Māori cultural practices. Results from Te Kupenga 2018 survey.

​Source: Results from the Te Kupenga 2018 survey on Māori cultural wellbeing (Total NZ, Statistics NZ)

Two key pathways have led to successful outcomes for Māori:

  • the role of marae as focal points for social, cultural, and economic development
  • the delivery of services 'by Māori, for Māori', based on te ao Māori values and practices.

However, rapid rises in housing, transport and living costs have affected many whānau, and continue to do so.

This has led to the displacement of whānau, and has impacts on access to education, employment, services and facilities.

Social impacts due to climate change may further disadvantage Māori.

The impact of being displaced can also reduce the resilience of whānau and the sense of belonging that comes from strong bonds within the community in which you live.

To achieve outcomes that meet the needs and aspirations of Māori, service providers must be culturally competent, accessible and better connected. They must move towards strengths-based models with whānau at their heart.

One way to do this is by drawing on Māori-centric models, as shown on the Te Whare Tapa Whā website, and collective models of learning, so that key Māori concepts become embedded in service design and delivery.

One successful example is Whānau Ora. This is a national multi-agency approach that places whānau at the heart of decisions that affect them.

The Māori Health Authority, established through the Health and Disability System review, is also tasked to tackle long-standing inequitable health outcomes for Māori .