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Te Tono a te Kahika i te Mahere ā-Tau 2025/2026 (te tahua ā-tau)

Mayoral Proposal for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 (annual budget)

Find out what the mayor is proposing for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 (annual budget).

About the Mayoral Proposal

The Mayoral Proposal is a significant part of the process to develop and adopt our annual and long-term plans. It outlines the mayor’s vision and priorities for Auckland.

The draft Mayoral Proposal for the Annual Plan 2025/2026 (annual budget) was released on 19 November 2024.

The final Mayoral Proposal was presented at a Governing Body meeting on 12 December.

Read the final Mayoral Proposal 2024

Staff advice to support the Mayoral Proposal

Ongoing advice from Auckland Council and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) supported the development of the Mayoral Proposal.

This advice is included in the 'Staff Advice to support the Mayoral Proposal' document.

This document provides details about the options Auckland Council and CCO staff presented for the mayor to consider in his proposal.

Read the draft Mayoral Proposal for the Annual Plan 2025/2026

When you can have your say on the Annual Plan 2025/2026

The topics for public consultation were decided at a Governing Body meeting in December 2024.

Public consultation will open on 28 February 2025.

This is when you can have your say and leave any feedback you have about the mayor's proposals.

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You do not need to complete the registration form if you are already signed-up for AK Have your Say updates.

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