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Ngā whakaritenga mō te whakamahere ā-rohe o Papakura

Papakura district planning requirements

Auckland Council District Plan - Operative Papakura Section 1999 planning requirements

Papakura's district plan contains information about how we manage our natural and built or physical resources, and how we enable or restrict the way land is used or developed in our district.

The district plan is a legal document that the council is required to prepare under the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. The district plan became operative on 16 June 1999 (Minute No. 99/224). This approval was given pursuant to c17, First Schedule, Resource Management Act 1991.

The plan identifies our objectives for looking after and improving the environment, and our policies and rules for achieving them. If you want to build, subdivide or undertake a new type of activity on your property, the district plan contains rules that may affect your proposal and points out whether you need a resource consent.

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