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Te mahere ā-rohe o Waitākere kaupapa here

Waitākere district plan policies

Auckland Council District Plan - Operative Waitākere Section 2003 Policies

The district plan policy section provides a statement of the district plan's approach to the management of the effects of development on natural and physical resources, and an integrated overview of the Plan's approach.

It identifies the city's significant resource management issues, the objectives sought by the plan and the policy direction chosen in response to these issues and objectives. It also describes the methods which will be used to carry out the policies, and the principal reasons for adopting the particular objectives, policies and methods.

However, although it describes the range of rules adopted, it does not set these out in detail. The detailed rules are provided in the rules section of the district plan.

  • Introduction PDF 162KB - introduces the content and structure of the District Plan.
  • A sustainable future PDF 1MB - discusses the context for developing the District Plan. This includes: agenda 21 and council's philosophy of environmental management; the statutory context of the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Treaty of Waitangi; a summary of other relevant planning documents and the specific responsibilities of territorial local authorities.
  • The city's environment PDF 2.7MB - describes the city's environment in all its aspects - the natural and physical resources, natural processes, the human community, the environment's spiritual dimension, its valued resources, landscapes and heritage.
  • Tangata Whenua PDF 992KB - provides a background to iwi concerns including a brief history provided by each iwi, their views on the environment and a brief statement of their resource management issues.
  • Objectives, policies and methods significant resource management issues PDF 1.4MB - sets out the significant resource management issues facing the city and the council's objectives for managing those effects on the environment. This overview of issues is pivotal to the district plan and, in particular, to the policies and the subsequent rules. These rules directly address the various effects, according to the direction set out by the objectives and policies.
  • Explanation of the strategic direction PDF 1.6MB - provides a further explanation of a number of key policies and groupings of policies, which, when considered together, comprise an integrated, comprehensive response to the effects, problems and key decisions that face the city.
  • Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area PDF 304KB - the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area received royal assent on April 8 2008. This legislation recognises the national, regional, and local significance of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area and promotes the protection and enhancement of its heritage features for present and future generations.

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