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Mahere Hohenga Rautaki Mahi Toi, Ahurea hoki, ā Toi Whītiki

Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan

The Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan integrates arts and culture into our everyday lives, and creates a culturally rich and creative Auckland.

​Growing arts and culture in Auckland

Over 10 years (2015 - 2025), we will need to respond to continued growth, changing demographics and increasing international competitiveness in the creative sector.

To do this and make the most of opportunities, the Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan sets out a strategic direction, goals and key objectives to grow arts and culture in Auckland.

Toi Whītiki was developed by representatives from the creative sector in partnership with us, and is the result of extensive engagement.

Māori cultural identity

Toi Whītiki acknowledges and celebrates Māori culture as 'Auckland's point of difference in the world', and mana whenua as treaty partners in a multicultural Auckland.

We are proud of our Māori cultural identity and want to celebrate it.

One aim of this plan is to strengthen our Māori cultural identity and make the most of all the opportunities it provides.

'Toi Whītiki' means 'to weave all of the strands of arts and culture together'.

Our Māori name for the plan is extracted from the blessing at the beginning of the plan document.

Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan goals

  • All Aucklanders can access and participate in arts and culture.
  • Auckland values and invests in arts and culture.
  • A network of vibrant arts and culture organisations and facilities.
  • Arts and culture are built-in to Auckland's place making.
  • Auckland celebrates a unique cultural identity.
  • Auckland has a robust and flourishing creative economy.

Objectives aligned to these goals are detailed in the plan.

Development of Toi Whītiki

The Auckland Plan sets out a 30-year vision for making Auckland the world's most liveable city.

It recognises that a culturally rich and creative city is a liveable city and dedicates a chapter (Chapter Three) to arts and culture.

Toi Whītiki is identified as a core strategy required to deliver on the arts and culture aspirations outlined in the Auckland Plan.

Role of local boards in arts and culture activities

Local boards play an important role in supporting arts and culture activities in their communities, through:

  • supporting arts and culture programmes, events and public art
  • funding local arts, cultural groups, and projects
  • supporting local facilities.

Local boards are supporting the goals of Toi Whītiki through their own arts and culture actions. These can be found within each local board plan.

Implementation of Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan

Toi Whītiki is a strategic plan for both Auckland Council and the creative sector.

A range of agencies and organisations have a role to play in delivering on the actions in the implementation plan that sits alongside Toi Whītiki.

Get a copy of Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan

​Plan appendices

​Arts and culture research

Toi Whītiki is informed by current arts and culture research, evidence and evaluation. New resources are added as they are developed and released.

​Arts and culture facility maps

Toi Whītiki newsletter

View the Toi Whītiki Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan newsletter on our website.

Subscribe to the newsletter by email request.

Previous stories can be viewed by searching Toi Whītiki on OurAuckland.