How we measure progress for the energy and industry priority
The main indicators of progress are called headline indicators. These provide information and insights about the areas where we have a strong focus and where we are taking action.
Headline indicators
The main (headline) indicators of progress for the energy and industry priority are:
- the total emissions from electricity consumption
- the total emissions from stationary fuel consumption.
Other indicators
- The percentage of electricity generated from renewable sources.
- The total megawatts (MW) of installed local and regional renewable energy, such as solar, wind and biomass energy.
- Total annual electricity use.
- Peak electricity use over the winter months of June, July and August.
Progress of all headline indicators is reported in the annual progress reports.
Progress of all other indicators is reported every three years.
Read about the progress made so far
For more information and to read our annual progress reports visit Progress made on Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri.