Auckland Council has a range of roles in delivery of the plan, some are areas of direct control whereas others require leadership, advocacy and influence.

The Auckland Council group advocates to central government on a range of policies and issues to ensure the most benefit to Aucklanders. Many of these issues deal directly or indirectly with climate change.
Our advocacy to government ensures that the policy settings, frameworks, and funding are aligned and give effect to our climate change needs.
Without strong alignment, the delivery of this plan and its ambitious targets will be difficult, if not impossible.
Auckland Council leads by example and influences change beyond its direct roles and responsibilities.
This is visible in the:
- buildings and facilities we operate
- materials and services we procure
- public spaces that we shape and build.
Planning, funding and delivery
The Auckland Council group plays a major role in planning for and delivering transport, infrastructure, and urban regeneration.
The group also delivers programmes and projects for pest control, revegetation and supporting biodiversity.
Ensuring these are fit for purpose in a changing climate, as well as deliver and facilitate emissions reductions, is a focus of this plan. These are addressed in the priorities on natural and built environments, and transport.
Auckland Council plays a key role in regulation to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of current and future Aucklanders.
Many regulatory functions relate directly or indirectly to climate change:
- coastal management
- pest management
- building control.
Regulation also needs to anticipate the implications of actions and manage the risks to ensure equity across the region.
The complexity of climate change requires action from all sectors. Partnerships are one way to bring sectors and actions together to make greater impact.
The Auckland Council group will need to continue to partner with a range of organisations and businesses to achieve our climate goals.
Support and enable
Auckland Council provides targeted resources to support important community outcomes, including climate action.
Support from the council builds local talents and expertise to benefit communities across Auckland, for example through our community grant programmes and working with rangatahi.