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Appeals filed in the High Court against Auckland Council's decisions on the proposed plans

Rights of participation

For information on rights of participation to High Court and Judicial review proceedings see appeals against Auckland Council's decisions on the proposed plan on this page. 

High Court minutes

17 October 2016

18 October 2016


High Court 'scope' decision

On Monday, 13 February 2017, the High Court issued a decision (NZHC 138) which found that the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel's (Panel) approach to "scope" for residential rezoning in relation to a number of test case areas was lawful.

The decision follows a hearing in November 2016 which addressed the Panel's approach to scope.

The High Court was asked to determine seven preliminary questions, with the key question relating to the lawfulness of the Panel's approach to residential rezoning (affecting approximately 29,000 properties in Auckland that were originally zoned Single House and Mixed Housing Suburban, which were the subject of the Character Coalition and Auckland 2040 proceedings).

The High Court found that the Panel approached the matter of "scope" correctly in all of the residential rezoning test cases, aside from two site-specific cases involving 117-133 The Strand, Parnell (where a viewshaft was relocated) and 55 Takanini School Road (where a property notified as Industrial was rezoned Residential).

Any appeal against the decision will need to be filed within 20 working days from the date the decision was issued.


Decision from Court of Appeal on North Eastern Investments and Heritage Land Limited appeal against High Court decision [2018] NZHC 916


​Date Lodged​High Court #​Appellant​Court of Appeal Decision
​29 May 2018

​Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (geographical areas)



​North Eastern Investments and Heritage Land Limited (NEIL)CA287/2018 [2018] NZCA 629 (PDF 480KB)


High Court appeals against Environment Court decision: Zhi Li, Jing Niu and Weili Yang and Okura Holdings Limited v Auckland Council

​Date lodged​High Court #Appellant​​Section 274
​27 June 2018


​Okura Holdings Limited

Notice of appeal (PDF 1.1MB)

Cover letter (PDF 415KB)

​Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance (PDF 924KB)

High Court appeal against Environment Court decision: Cabra Rural Developments Limited & Ors v Auckland Council

​Date lodged
​High Court #
​Section 274
​3 July 2018

​Auckland Council

Notice of Appeal (PDF 8.1MB)

Decision [2019] NZHC 1892 (PDF 430KB)

Appeal resolved in full

[2021] NZEnvC 032 (PDF 2.8MB) 

High Court appeals against Environment Court decision: Self Family Trust v Auckland Council

​Date lodged​Topic​Appellant​Section 274
8 May 2018 ​


​Joe and Fay Gock

Notice of appeal and memorandum (PDF 252KB)

​Judgment CIV 2021-404-000094 (PDF 345KB)
​10 May 2018


​John Self, Adriana Self and Roger Clark

Notice of appeal and memorandum (PDF 214KB)

High Court appeals against Environment Court decision: Housing New Zealand v Auckland Council

​Date lodged ​Topic ​Appellant​Section 274
​1 September 2017

​Topic 010 RPS Heritage and Special Character


​Housing New Zealand

Notice of appeal (PDF 5.4MB)

​Appeal resolved

Decision [2018] NZHC 288 (PDF 617KB)

​1 September 2017

​Topic 010 RPS Heritage and Special Character


​Auckland Council

Notice of appeal (PDF 1.7MB)

​Appeal resolved

Decision [2018] NZHC 288 (PDF 617KB)

Other High Court appeals

Date lodged High Court # Appellant Consent Order (CO)
9 September 2016

Topics 009 Mana Whenua and 036 and 037 Māori land and treaty, and Mana Whenua sites:

CIV-2016-404-002261 (PDF 149KB)

Houkura, formerly known as the Independent Māori Statutory Board

Appeal withdrawn

Court decision CIV002261 (PDF 94KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 050 to 054 City Centre and business zone

Viaduct Harbour Holdings Limited

​Appeal resolved

Decision [2018] NZHC 154 (PDF 18.6MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 019 Natural heritage overlays

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002284 (PDF 403KB)

Kawau Island Access Organisation Incorporated

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV002284 (PDF 86KB)

14 September 2016

Topics 050 and 054 City centre and business zones

CIV-2016-404-002289 (PDF 477KB)

Kiwi Property Group Limited

​Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 1340 (PDF 133KB)


14 September 2016

Topic 075 Waitakere Ranges

CIV-2016-404-002290 (PDF 509KB)

The Waitakere Ranges Protection Society Incorporated

​Appeal resolved

Decision [2017] NZHC 2141 (PDF 18.2MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002296 (PDF 2.1MB)

Bayswater Marina Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 016 and 017 RUB North/West and RUB South

Topic 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical)

CIV-2016-404-002298 (PDF 293KB)

Auckland Memorial Park Limited

Appeal discontinued

Notice of Discontinuance CIV002298 (PDF 45KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 019 Natural features, landscape and character

Topic 024 Genetically modified organisms

Topic 033 and 034 General coastal marine zone and other coastal zones

CIV-2016-404-002299 (PDF 809KB)

Federated Farmers of NZ Incorporated

​Appeal resolved

Notice of Abandonment (partial) (PDF 720KB)

Court minute (PDF 382KB) 

Judgment CIV0002299 (PDF 1.3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 016 and 017 RUB North/West and RUB South

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002302 (PDF 1.6MB)

South Epsom Planning Group Incorporated

Appeal discontinued

Notice of Discontinuance (PDF 47KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002305 (PDF 4.8MB)

Valerie Close Residents Group

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV002305 (PDF 40KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002306 (PDF 8.3MB)

Weiti Development

​Appeal discontinued

Court minute CIV 2306 (PDF 52KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 059 to 063 Residential objectives and policies, activities, development controls and controls and assessment

Topics 080 Rezoning and precincts (General)

CIV-2016-404-002308 (PDF 318KB)

The Auckland Presbyterian Hospital Trustees

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 2158 (PDF 1.1MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 080 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002309 (PDF 119KB)

Samson Corporation Limited and Sterling Nominees Limited - 57 Patterson Avenue, Mission Bay

​Appeal dismissed

Court notice CIV0002309 (PDF 63.5KB)

Judgment CIV0002309 (PDF 345KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 080 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002310 (PDF 113KB)

Samson Corporation Limited and Sterling Nominees Limited - 1 and 3 Grosvenor Street

​Appeal resolved

Decision [2017] NZHC 2141 (PDF 19MB)

16 September 2016

Topics 050 to 054 City centre and business zones

CIV-2016-404-002311 (PDF 89KB)

Samson Corporation Limited and Sterling Nominees Limited - Property bound by Pollen Street, Ponsonby Road and McKelvie Street

​Appeal resolved

Court Minute CIV2311 (PDF 316KB) 

Decision [2017] NZHC 1392 (PDF 212KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 080 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002312 (PDF 1.4MB)

Waytemore Forests Limited

Appeal settled

Decision [2017] NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 080 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002313 (PDF 897KB)

Arena Living Limited

Appeal resolved

Court Notice CIV2313 (PDF 533KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002314 (PDF 939KB)

The Minister of Defence

Appeal discontinued

Notice of Discontinuance CIV0002314 (PDF 296KB)


Memo on Notice of Discontinuance CIV0002314 (PDF 656KB)


Clause 16 CIV002314(PDF 669KB)


Clause 20A CIV002314(PDF 802KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 080 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002316 (PDF 103KB)

Wallace Group Limited

Notice of Result CIV002316 (PDF 1.6MB)

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 016 and 017 Changes to Rural Urban Boundary

CIV-2016-404-002317 (PDF 102KB)

Karaka North Village Limited

​Appeal withdrawn

Court Minute CIV2317 (PDF 316KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 024 Genetically modified organisms

CIV-2016-404-002318 (PDF 720KB)

The University of Auckland

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 1150 (PDF 1.4MB)

Genetically modified organism letter (PDF 83KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 016 and 017 Changes to Rural Urban Boundary

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002319 (PDF 4.5MB)

Southern Gateway (Manukau) Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topics 028 Future Urban zone

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002320 (PDF 4.3MB)

JPR Enterprises

Appeal discontinued

ENV002320 (PDF 61KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002321 (PDF 1.4MB)

Howick Ratepayers and Residents Association Incorporated and W Moffatt

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV-0002321 (PDF 1.6MB)

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 to 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002322 (PDF 343KB)


​Appeal dismissed

CIV2322 Court notice (PDF 177KB) 

Decision [2017] NZHC 2487 (PDF 348KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 to 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002323 (PDF 233KB)

Auckland University of Technology

Appeal settled

Decision No 2017 NZHC 1350 (PDF 279KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002324 (PDF 306KB)

North Eastern Investments and Heritage Land Limited (NEIL)

​Appeal dismissed

Decision [2018] NZHC 916 (PDF 314KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 059 to 063 Residential zones

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002326 (PDF 2.3MB)

Second amended notice of appeal - 10 October 2016

CIV-2016-404-002326 (PDF 504KB)

Character Coalition Incorporated and Auckland 2040 Incorporated

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV-0002326 (PDF 1.6MB)

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

16 September 2016 CIV-2016-404-002328 (PDF 409KB) The Retirement Villages Association ​Appeal discontinued
​Notice of discontinuance CIV-2016-404-002328 (PDF 351KB)
16 September 2016

Topic 012 Infrastructure, energy and transport

CIV-2016-404-002330 (PDF 652KB)

Particulars refined - 9 November 2016

CIV-2016-404-002330 (PDF 144KB)

Transpower New Zealand Limited

Appeal settled

Final Judgement CIV0002330 (PDF 77KB)

Consent Order CIV0002330 (PDF 93KB)

Interim Decision No. NZHC 281 (PDF 5.1MB)

16 September 2016

CIV-2016-404-002331 (PDF 2.2MB)

First amended notice of appeal (PDF 5.0MB) November 2016

Second amended notice of appeal (PDF 3.0MB) 9 June 2017

Man O'War Farms Limited


Appeal resolved in full 

High Court Minute CIV21064042331 (PDF 2,945KB)

Partial withdrawal

High Court Minute CIV002331 (PDF 86KB)

Decision No 2017 NHC 202 (PDF 174KB)

Partial withdrawal

Memorandum CIV002331 (PDF 297KB)

Appeal resolved in part

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 1349 (PDF 1.73MB)

Clause 16 CIV2331 (PDF 747KB)

Coastal Hazards - Letter for service(PDF 77KB)

ENV121- Auckland Council Coastal Hazards Waivers(PDF 553KB) 

Judgment CIV0002331 (PDF 1.3MB)


16 September 2016

Topics 016 and 017 Changes to Rural Urban Boundary

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002333 (PDF 1.7MB)

Application to amend notice - 12 October 2016

CIV-2016-404-002333 (PDF 2.2MB)

Franco Belgiorno-Nettis

Appeal not determined in full

Decision No. ​NZHC 2387 (PDF 5MB)

Note: leave has been sought to appeal the High Court's decision to the Court of Appeal.

Appeal resolved

Judgment CIV-2019-404-2810 [2022] NZHC 1621 (PDF 302KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 028 Future Urban Zone

CIV-2016-404-002336 (PDF 1.0MB)

Albany North Landowners' Group

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV-0002336 (PDF 1.6MB)

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts (General and geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002338 (PDF 720KB)

Ancona Properties Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 011 Regional Policy Statement Rural

Topic 056 Rural

Topic 038 Contaminated land

CIV-2016-404-002339 (PDF 80KB)

Horticulture New Zealand Incorporated

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV0002339 (PDF 48KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical Areas)

CIV-2016-404-002340 (PDF 694KB)

Reidy, Kloeten and Ruatotara Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002341 (PDF 542KB)

Villages of New Zealand (Pakuranga) Limited

Appeal discontinued

Notice of discontinuance CIV002341 (PDF 45KB)

Decision No. NZHC 138 (PDF 904KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 010 Biodiversity

Topic 023 SEAs and Vegetation Management

CIV-2016-404-002343 (PDF 439KB)

Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society New Zealand Incorporated

Appeal resolved

Decision No. NZHC 980 (PDF 459KB)

High Court Minute CIV2343 (PDF 864KB)

Decision No. NZHC 1606 (PDF 217KB) 

Decision [2018] NZHC 1069 (PDF 5.4MB)

Decision [2018] NZHC 1344 (PDF 8.6MB)

16 September 2016

Topics 080 and 081 Rezoning and precincts

CIV-2016-404-002344 (PDF 599KB)

Summerset Group Holdings Limited


Memorandum of Counsel for Appellant withdrawing appeal CIV2344 (PDF 175KB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002347 (PDF 109KB)

Waste Management NZ Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002347 (PDF 109KB)

Waste Management NZ Limited

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)

16 September 2016

Topic 081 Rezoning and precincts (Geographical areas)

CIV-2016-404-002460 (PDF 1.3MB)

Woolmore and Morris

Appeal settled

Decision No. 2017 NZHC 594 (PDF 3MB)