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Back to List of all plan changes including private plan changes

PC 26: Clarifying the relationship between the Special Character Areas Overlay and the underlying zone provisions


About the plan change

​The Special Character Areas Overlay helps manage the special character of some areas in Auckland. The Auckland Unitary Plan also zones land to manage how it is used, developed or protected, including the residential zones.

The proposed plan change requests changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan to make it clear that certain planning provisions of the Special Character Areas Overlay would prevail over the corresponding provisions of the underlying residential zones.

The proposed plan change also refines some of the standards within the Special Character Areas Overlay, including height in relation to boundary, yards, paved areas and fences.

The intention of the proposed plan change is to provide clarity for property owners, developers and design / development professionals about how the Auckland Unitary Plan will be applied when decisions are made about activities that take place on properties within the Special Character Areas Overlay.

Overview and simplified explanation of Plan Change 26 (PDF 125KB).


​Notified on 30 May 2019.

Submissions closed on 12 July 2019.

Summary of decision requested notified on 5 September 2019.

Further submissions closed 19 September 2019.

Hearings – for more information see hearing documents.

Decision notified on 28 January 2021.

Appeals close on 12 March 2021.

Plan Change Withdrawn in full on 20 May 2021.

Plan change documents

Withdrawal documents

Appeal documents

Decision documents

Notification of summary of decisions requested documents

Notification documents

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