Te rārangi o ngā panonitanga katoa tae atu ki ngā panoni hoahoa tūmataiti
This private plan change aims to rezone 16.36 hectares at 98-100 and 102 Totara Road, Whenuapai from Future Urban Zone to Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone and applies a new Precinct.
This private plan change aims to rezone 2ha in Papakura from Rural to Residential-Mixed Housing Urban creates and introduce a new precinct and shifts the Rural Urban Boundary to align with the new zone boundary.
This private plan change aims to rezone the land from Future Urban Zone to Business – Light Industry Zone and introduce a precinct.
This plan change aims to enable temporary filming activities as a permitted activity on Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua, subject to compliance with standards to protect and enhance the cultural values of these sites.
Seeks a precinct over 41.9 ha of Light Industry zoned land in Māngere to enable urban development, while recognising the cultural, spiritual and historical values of mana whenua and their relationship to land and waterbodies in and around Waitomokia.
This private plan change aims to rezone land and introduce a new precinct at 79 Ladies Mile, Remuera to enable residential development with building heights of up to 25m. A pōhutukawa tree is proposed to be added to Schedule 10 Notable Trees.
The plan change rezones 107ha at Silverdale West from Future Urban to Light Industry, adds: a precinct, four trees to the Notable Trees Schedule, the Stormwater Management Control Area, an SEA Overlay area and amends the Macroinvertebrate Overlay.
This plan change aims Introduce nine Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua (SSMW) to Schedule 12 of the AUP(OIP).
This private plan change aims to rezone 7.9ha of land from Business-Light Industry to Business-Mixed Use. Amendments to the planning maps to enable greater building heights and a new precinct are proposed for 167-173 Pilkington Road only.
Aims to rezone 6ha of land in Riverhead from FUZ to Rural-Mixed Rural and 75.5ha to a mix of Residential and Business–Centre zones with associated precinct provisions.Seeks to shift the RUB to reflect the rezoning of 6ha from FUZ to Rural-Mixed Rural
This private plan change aims to rezone approximately 7,147m2 of land from Residential - Single House Zone to Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone and introduce a new precinct.
This private plan change seeks to rezone approximately 27.15 hectares of land in Golding Road and Pukekohe East Road, Pukekohe from Future Urban Zone to Residential – Mixed Housing Urban Zone.
This private plan change aims to rezone the land from Residential – Large Lot Zone to Open Space – Sport and Active Recreation Zone.
PC96 aims to rezone land to update the zoning of recently acquired or vested open space, correct errors and anomalies, better reflect the use and development of land and reflect land ownership changes in neighbourhoods undergoing redevelopment.
This private plan change aims to introduce a new Business-Neighbourhood Centre zoning, with an accompanying new precinct overlay, is proposed on 0.85ha of land site located in Golding Road, Pukekohe East.
PC94 (Private) aims to rezone parts of the Special Purpose (Tertiary) Zone in Carrington Road to Mixed Use and Mixed Housing Urban. Revisions to the Wairaka Precinct provisions and plans include allowing a greater height for residential buildings.
This private plan change seeks to rezone approximately 159ha of land from Future Urban, Open Space – Conservation and Rural – Rural Production zoned land to a mix of residential, business, open space, rural zones and introduce two new precincts.
This private plan change seeks to rezone 72ha of land in the northeastern edge of Wellsford to a combination of residential, business, and rural zones.
This private plan change seeks to rezone approximately 7.897 hectares of land at 80 McLarin Road, Glenbrook from Future Urban Zone to Residential – Mixed Housing Suburban zone and introduce a new precinct and stormwater control.
This private plan change aims to rezone 4.4 hectares of land on the north-western side of Highbrook Drive at 8 Sparky Road, Ōtara from Business – Light Industry to Residential – Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone and to apply a new precinct.
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