Notices of Requirement (NoR) lodged in October 2023 for Manurewa, Takaanini, Papakura and Drury
In October 2023, Auckland Transport lodged six Notices of Requirement with Auckland Council to protect transport routes in South Auckland between Manukau and Drury.
The NoRs apply to two projects which are part of the
Te Tupu Ngāitahi Supporting Growth Programme.
They are:
These projects are part of a wider-planned transport network intended to:
- improve existing public transport
- support planned urban growth
- provide walking and cycling opportunities in South Auckland.
What a Notice of Requirement (NoR) does
A NoR protects specified areas of land from being used in a way that would prevent proposed public work.
Protecting these routes will enable upgrades to the existing local road network, safety improvements and new road connections.
South Frequent Transit Network (FTN) Routes
The South FTN project plans for the construction, operation and maintenance of
road corridor upgrades and intersections that make up parts of the South FTN.
It includes two routes:
- the Great South Road FTN between Manukau and Drury
- the Takaanini FTN between Manurewa, Takaanini and Papakura.
It also includes upgrades at Popes Road in Takaanini and Great South Road in Drury.
South Frequent Transit Network Notices of Requirement (NoR)
There are four NoRs for the South Frequent Transit Network.
South Frequent Transit Network - Great South Road FTN Upgrade
Upgrades to parts of Great South Road between Manukau and Drury to provide a
multi-modal transport corridor to:
- include bus priority measures (bus lanes)
- improve walking and cycling facilities
- upgrade intersections
- replace the existing Otūwairoa / Slippery Creek Bridge
- manage stormwater.
South Frequent Transit Network - Great South Road FTN Upgrade (Drury section)
Upgrades to Great South Road between Waihoehoe Road and the State Highway One Drury Interchange to provide a multi-modal transport corridor that will:
- provide general traffic lanes
- improve walking and cycling facilities
- upgrade intersections
- replace the existing Hingaia Stream Bridge
- manage stormwater.
South Frequent Transit Network - Takaanini FTN - Weymouth, Alfriston and Great South Road Upgrades
Upgrades to Weymouth and Alfriston Roads between Selwyn Road / Rogers Road and Saralee Drive, and Great South Road between Halver Road and Myers Road to:
- include bus priority measures
- provide general traffic lanes
- improve walking and cycling facilities
- upgrade intersections
- close the Beaumonts Way intersection with Weymouth Road
- replace existing bridges along Weymouth Road over the North Island Main Trunk and Alfriston Road over State Highway One
- manage stormwater.
South Frequent Transit Network - Takaanini FTN - Porchester Road and Popes Road Upgrades
Upgrades to Porchester Road between Alfriston Road and Walters Road, and to Popes Road between Takanini School Road and Porchester Road to:
- provide general traffic lanes
- improve walking and cycling facilities
- upgrade intersections.
Takaanini Level Crossings
The Takaanini Level Crossings (TLC) Project plans for the construction, operation, maintenance and upgrade of
grade-separated crossings of the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) railway in Takaanini.
This includes:
- a new
multi-modal bridge over the railway at Manuia Road
- new multi-modal bridges to replace existing level crossings at Taka Street and Walters Road
- new
active mode bridges to replace existing level crossings at Spartan Road and Manuroa Road.
Takaanini Level Crossings Notices of Requirement (NoR)
Spartan Road, Manuia Road, Manuroa Road and Taka Street
New multi-modal bridge crossings of the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) at Manuia Road and Taka Street, and new
active mode bridge crossings of the NIMT at Spartan Road and Manuroa Road with two road closures.
Walters Road level crossing closure and new multi-modal bridge
New multi-modal bridge crossing of the North Island Main Trunk (NIMT) at Walters Road.
For all lodged Notices of Requirement, visit
Notices of Requirement to designate land (NOR).
For all of Auckland's Unitary Plan designation schedules, refer to Chapter K of the
Auckland Unitary Plan Operative in part.