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Te wāhanga 32 o te pūrongo mō te Hoahoa Whakatōpū o Tāmaki Makaurau kua Uakina

Section 32 report on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan​

Auckland Council is required to provide a report evaluating the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan, under Section 32 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The report has been notified alongside the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.

Read the report

See the Analysis of Section 32 report produced by the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research:

Analysis of Section 32 report (PDF 1.5MB)

See also:

Section 32 list of appendices (PDF 147KB)
Glossary of Māori terms (PDF 83KB)

Part 1 - Introduction

Section 32 - Introduction (PDF 748KB)

Part 2 - Topic templates

Parts 2.1-2.10

Urban form land supply (PDF 400KB)
RUB location (PDF 5.7MB)
Residential zones (PDF 723KB)
Business (PDF 1.27MB)
Building heights (PDF 240KB)
Business building form design (PDF 852KB)
Design statements (PDF 150KB)
Sustainable design (PDF 199KB)
Accessory parking (PDF 296KB)
Electricity transmission corridors (PDF 234KB)

Parts 2.11-2.20

Biodiversity (PDF 114KB)
Pre-1944 demolition (PDF 90KB)
Historic heritage (PDF 120KB)
Treaty settlements (PDF 196KB)
Mana whenua cultural heritage (PDF 354KB)
Māori development (PDF 263KB)
Māori land (PDF 248KB)
Māori and natural resources (PDF 263KB)
Landscapes (PDF 171KB)
Conversion of dwellings (PDF 103KB)

Parts 2.21-2.30

Affordable housing (PDF 220KB)
Future Urban zone (PDF 236KB)
Greenfield Urban precinct (PDF 114KB)
Urban stormwater (PDF 620KB)
Freshwater (PDF 176KB)
Flooding (PDF 240KB)
Intermittent streams and margins (PDF 166KB)
Natural hazards (PDF 362KB)
Stock access (PDF 158KB)
Green infrastructure corridor (PDF 92KB)

Parts 2.31-2.40

Earthworks (PDF 158KB)
Mangroves (PDF 116KB)
Moorings (PDF 119KB)
Sewage discharge-boats (PDF 562KB)
Rural subdivision (PDF 384KB)
Reserve management plans (PDF 144KB)
Schools (PDF 127KB)
Non-accessory parking (PDF 304KB) ((PDF 175KB)
Traffic in centres (PDF 129KB)
Cycle parking (PDF 182KB)

Parts 2.41-2.50

Strategic transport corridor (PDF 121KB)
Crossings on arterial roads (PDF 124KB)
Land transport noise (PDF 115KB)
Air quality-major roads (PDF 164KB)
Air quality-heavy industry (PDF 141KB)
City centre precincts (PDF 182KB)
Signs (PDF 113KB)
Trees in streets (PDF 93KB)
Genetically modified organisms (PDF 24KB)
Retirement village (PDF 86KB)

Part 3 - Appendices

3.0 - Introduction

Appendix 3.0.1 - Degrees of intervention/regulation (PDF 200KB)
Appendix 3.0.2 - Regional consistency and local variations (PDF 209KB)
Appendix 3.0.3 - Setting outcomes and managing adverse effects (PDF 362KB)
Appendix 3.0.4 - Description of three types of intervention (PDF 74KB)
Appendix 3.0.5 - Draft list of area planning environments (PDF 3.6MB)
Appendix 3.0.6 - Built environment workstream (PDF 2.3MB)
Appendix 3.0.7 - Natural environment - Issues and approaches paper - report (PDF 768KB)
Appendix 3.0.8 - Natural environment - Issues and approaches paper - issues (PDF 590KB)
Appendix 3.0.9 - Natural environment - Issues and approaches paper - attachments (PDF 2.7MB)
Appendix 3.0.10 - Infrastructure workstream: Issues and approaches (PDF 1.2MB)
Appendix 3.0.11 - Issues and approaches for rural and coastal areas (PDF 513KB)
Appendix 3.0.12 - Issues paper - Heritage, Cultural Community Workstream (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.0.13 - Issues paper - Treaty of Waitangi (PDF 925KB)
Appendix 3.0.14 - Issues paper - Heritage - report to internal steering group (PDF 1.2MB)
Appendix 3.0.15 - Unitary Plan issues paper - Public open space and recreation (PDF 1.1MB)
Appendix 3.0.16 - Issues paper - Community and social (PDF 661KB)
Appendix 3.0.17 - City centre issue paper – Technical report (PDF 3.5MB)
Appendix 3.0.19 - Unitary Plan structure - report (PDF 386KB)
Appendix 3.0.20 - Unitary Plan structure - Background information for workshop (PDF 139KB)
Appendix 3.0.21 - Draft residential zone - assessment (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 3.0.22 - Committee reports and resolutions - proposed structure and development of the AUP (PDF 9.2MB)
Appendix 3.0.23 - Additional information to develop section 1.0 (PDF 227KB)
Appendix 3.0.24 - Template for Section 32 evaluation (PDF 280KB)
Appendix 3.0.25 - RPS monitoring indicators (PDF 125KB)
Appendix 3.0.26 - Exerts from Royal Commission on Auckland governance (PDF 69KB)
Appendix 3.0.27 - Making Auckland Greater - The government's decisions on Auckland governance (PDF 112KB)
Appendix 3.0.29 - RMA - Part 5 - sections 43-77 (PDF 8.3MB)
Appendix 3.0.30 - Resource consents testing questionnaire (PDF 200KB)
Appendix 3.0.31 - Research strategy and priority research areas (PDF 457KB)
Appendix 3.0.32 - Phase One - Engagement summary report (PDF 770KB)
Appendix 3.0.33 - Draft AUP engagement report (PDF 2.1MB)
Appendix 3.0.34 - UP work programme with APC (PDF 18KB)
Appendix 3.0.35 - Local board resolutions (PDF 1.2MB)
Appendix 3.0.36 - Auckland Council LTP - Chapter Nine - Contributions policy (PDF 1.5MB)
Appendix 3.0.37 - Officer analysis of approaches to developing the Unitary Plan (PDF 386KB)
Appendix 3.0.38 - Unitary Plan Civic Forum - October 2012 (PDF 5.5MB)
Appendix 3.0.39 - Review of enhanced engagement to support the Unitary Plan (PDF 1.4MB)

3.1 - Urban form and land supply

Appendix 3.1.1 - Policy Options for Delivering a Quality Compact City (PDF 189KB)
Appendix 3.1.2 - Towards a Preferred Urban Form (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.1.3 - Planning Reform, Land Release and the Supply of Housing (PDF 292KB)
Appendix 3.1.4 - MfE Urban Technical Advisory Group - Report (PDF 958KB)
Appendix 3.1.5a - AP Scenario Evaluation Workstream (PDF 3.4MB)
Appendix 3.1.5b - AP Scenario Evaluation Workstream - attachment 1 (PDF 6.9MB)
Appendix 3.1.5c - AP Scenario Evaluation Workstream - attachment 2 (PDF 2.4MB)
Appendix 3.1.6 - High-level overview of submissions on Draft AP (PDF 184KB)
Appendix 3.1.7 - New Zealand Productivity Commission Housing Affordability Inquiry (PDF 9.9MB)
Appendix 3.1.8 - The Effectiveness of the Auckland MUL - Ring-fencing Urban Development (PDF 128KB)
Appendix 3.1.9 - The effect of Auckland's MUL on land prices (PDF 1.5MB)
Appendix 3.1.10 - Auckland Unitary Plan - Discussion paper - Transport issues (PDF 9.7MB)
Appendix 3.1.11 - Spatial Determinants of Land Prices (PDF 366KB)
Appendix 3.1.12 - Housing Action Plan Stage 1 (PDF 588KB)
Appendix 3.1.13 - Capacity for Growth Study 2012 (PDF 11.8MB)
Appendix 3.1.14 - Improving our resource management systems (PDF 4.6MB)
Appendix 3.1.15 - Performance benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation (PDF 4.0MB)
Appendix 3.1.16 - Future Land Use and Transport Planning Project (PDF 8.9MB)
Appendix 3.1.17 - Auckland Region Housing Market Assessment (PDF 5MB)

3.2 - Rural urban boundary location

Appendix 3.2.1 - Geotechnical Desk Study - North and North-West Auckland Rural Urban Boundary Project (PDF 2.0MB)
Appendix 3.2.2 - Auckland Council North and North West RUB options (PDF 4.0MB)
Appendix 3.2.3 - North and North West Auckland Rural Production (PDF 8.4MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - pages 1-39 (PDF 14MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - pages 40-41 (PDF 13.2MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - page 42 (PDF 14.7MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - pages 43-44 (PDF 11.7MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - page 45 (PDF 12.3MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - pages 46-47 (PDF 13MB)
Appendix 3.2.4 - RUB (North/North West) Preliminary Landscape Investigation - page 48 (PDF 9.3MB)
Appendix 3.2.5 - North and West RUB receiving environments (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.2.6 - Draft Area Plan - Hibiscus and Bays Local Board (PDF 9.8MB)
Appendix 3.2.7 - Draft Silverdale West Structure Plan (PDF 5.2MB)
Appendix 3.2.8 - FDC - Paerata South Contamination Study - pages 1-28 (PDF 10.2MB)
Appendix 3.2.8 - FDC - Paerata South Contamination Study - pages 29-244 (PDF 11.3MB)
Appendix 3.2.9 - Southeastern Manukau Harbour / Pahurehure Inlet Contaminant Study (PDF 3.6MB)
Appendix 3.2.10 - Karaka RUB Waitemata AquiferRecharge Assessment (PDF 4.2MB)
Appendix 3.2.11 - Franklin District Growth Strategy 2031 (PDF 167KB)
Appendix 3.2.12 - Geotechnical Desk Study - South Auckland RUB Project (PDF 1.7MB)
Appendix 3.2.13 - Southeastern Manukau Harbour / Pahurehure Inlet Contaminant Study (PDF 4.1MB)
Appendix 3.2.14 - Auckland South Rural Production - Greenfields Study Area (PDF 3MB)
Appendix 3.2.15 - RUB South Cultural Heritage Overview Report (PDF 6.1MB)
Appendix 3.2.16 - Urban Planning that Sustains Waterbodies - Case Study (PDF 11MB)
Appendix 3.2.17 - Sea - level rise synthesis for Auckland 2011 (PDF 921KB)
Appendix 3.2.18 - RUB (South) Option Area Landscape Evaluations - pages 1-97 (PDF 11.4MB)
Appendix 3.2.18 - RUB (South) Option Area Landscape Evaluations - pages 98-117 (PDF 11MB)
Appendix 3.2.19 - Draft Cultural Heritage Overview Report - Involvement - Ngati Tamoho Trust response (PDF 756KB)
Appendix 3.2.20 - Future Growth Options and RUB - joint response (PDF 219KB)
Appendix 3.2.21 - Draft Cultural Heritage Overview Report - Involvement - Te Ākitai response (PDF 229KB)
Appendix 3.2.22 - Wastewater Servicing Options - Southern Area Growth (PDF 8.0MB)
Appendix 3.2.23 - Assessment of Edge Requests for Inclusion within the RUB (PDF 3.9MB)

3.3 - Residential zones

Appendix 3.3.1 - Resource Management Act 1991 (PDF 205KB)
Appendix 3.3.2 - Local Government Act 2002 (PDF 205KB)
Appendix 3.3.3 - Local Government - Auckland Council - Act 2009 (PDF 76KB)
Appendix 3.3.4 - Residential Tenancies Act 1986 (PDF 229KB)
Appendix 3.3.5 - Unit Titles Act - Reprinted 2011 (PDF 202KB)

3.4 - Business

Appendix 3.4.1 - Case law - centres and commercial activity (PDF 46KB)
Appendix 3.4.2 - Proposed Change 6 Environment Court Evidence of John Mackay forARC (PDF 4.5MB)
Appendix 3.4.3 - Auckland retail growth projections - 2013 (PDF 170KB)
Appendix 3.4.4 - Industrial Land Demand - Property Economics Ltd 2009 (PDF 29KB)
Appendix 3.4.5 - TR: Centres and Corridors - Dawne Mackay 2012 (PDF 929KB)
Appendix 3.4.6 - Prioritising Centres - Analysis for the Centres and Corridors Workstream 2011 (PDF 4.0MB)
Appendix 3.4.7 - Group 1 Additional Greenfield Land Requirements - 2001-2013 (PDF 223KB)
Appendix 3.4.8 - Capacity for Growth Study - 2012 results (PDF 3.7MB)
Appendix 3.4.9 - Auckland Retail Economic Evidence Base (PDF 7.34MB)

3.5 - Building heights

Appendix 3.5.1 - Resource Management Act 1991 (PDF 205KB)
Appendix 3.5.2 - Local Government Act 2002 (PDF 205KB)
Appendix 3.5.3 - Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2004 (PDF 76KB)
Appendix 3.5.4 - Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area 2008 (PDF 198KB)
Appendix 3.5.5 - Unit Titles Act 2010 (Reprinted 2011) (PDF 202KB)

3.6 - Business building form and design

Appendix 3.6.1 - City Centre Issue Paper – report to UPPWP 2011 (PDF 3.5MB)
Appendix 3.6.2 - Managing Frontages and Pedestrian Amenity in the City Centre (PDF 5.3MB)
Appendix 3.6.3 - City Centre Options Paper (PDF 686KB)
Appendix 3.6.4 - City centre zone - Urban form, height, site intensity and built form (PDF 4.1MB)
Appendix 3.6.5 - Summary of the Value of Urban Design (PDF 752KB)

3.7 - Design statements

Appendix 3.7.1 - Review of NZ and International Precedents for Design Statements (PDF 78KB)
Appendix 3.7.2 - Design Statement Information Requirements (PDF 169KB)
Appendix 3.7.3 - Design Statements and NZIA Project Stages and Fee Estimates (PDF 8.1MB)
Appendix 3.7.4 - Design Statement Case Studies - Urbanism - pages 1-16 (PDF 14.8)
Appendix 3.7.4 - Design Statement Case Studies - Urbanism - pages 17-30 (PDF 15.3MB)
Appendix 3.7.4 - Design Statement Case Studies - Urbanism - pages 31-41 (PDF 14MB)

3.8 - Sustainable design

Appendix 3.8.1 - Review of district sustainable design policy 2011 (PDF 16KB)
Appendix 3.8.2 - Review of Christchurch City Council Base Tool 2012 (PDF 63KB)
Appendix 3.8.3 - Review of New Zealand assessment tools (AC 2012) (PDF 43KB)
Appendix 3.8.4 - Review of international assessment tools (PDF 45KB)
Appendix 3.8.5 - Warm Up New Zealand CBA - MoED 2011 (PDF 996KB)
Appendix 3.8.6 - Best Practice Policy Survey and Literature Review (PDF 842KB)
Appendix 3.8.7 - Homestar Case Study (PDF 185KB)
Appendix 3.8.8 - Homestar Cost-Scoring Report V1.0 (PDF 588KB)
Appendix 3.8.9 - UP Sustainable Development Methods v8 (PDF 105KB)
Appendix 3.8.10 - The Value Case for Green Buildings in New Zealand (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.8.11 - Policy Options for Sustainable Homes (PDF 2.0MB)
Appendix 3.8.12 - The Business Case for Green Buildings (PDF 13.6MB)
Appendix 3.8.13 - Environmental Impacts of the Waitakere NOW Home (PDF 2.3MB)
Appendix 3.8.14 - Auckland Sustainable Homes Assessment 2009 (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 3.8.15 - Future Proofing New Zealand’s Commercial Property (PDF 2.6MB)

3.9 - Accessory parking

Appendix 3.9.1 - NZTA Travel planning toolkit guidelines and resources (PDF 193KB)
Appendix 3.9.2 - Auckland City Centre Master Plan 2012 - pages 1-91 (PDF 11MB)
Appendix 3.9.2 - Auckland City Centre Master Plan 2012 - pages 92-149 (PDF 11.2MB)
Appendix 3.9.2 - Auckland City Centre Master Plan 2012 - pages 150-212 (PDF 11.6MB)
Appendix 3.9.3 - Number of Parking and Loading Spaces Required (PDF 1.7MB)
Appendix 3.9.4 - Number of Parking and Loading Spaces Required for the City Centre (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.9.5 - Future traffic flows in the Auckland City Centre (PDF 226KB)
Appendix 3.9.6 - Auckland City Centre Fringe (PDF 6.0MB)
Appendix 3.9.7 - Provisions as included in the August 2012 draft (PDF 686KB)
Appendix 3.9.8 - Technical Note: Criteria for Local Centres (PDF 215KB)
Appendix 3.9.9 - Technical Note: Additional Work (PDF 2.2MB)
Appendix 3.9.10 - Technical Note: Existing Plan Changes (PDF 253KB)
Appendix 3.9.11 - The Economic Impacts of Minimum Parking Requirements (PDF 2.3MB)
Appendix 3.9.12 - Parking Provisions Rates for Retail (PDF 274KB)
Appendix 3.9.13 - The Economic Impacts of Parking in Auckland - Final Report (PDF 3.7MB)
Appendix 3.9.14 - Auckland Transport Integrated Transport Assessment Guidelines (PDF 878KB)
Appendix 3.9.15 - Auckland Regional Parking Strategy (PDF 1.4MB)

3.10 - Electricity transmission corridors

Appendix 3.10.1 - NPS on Electricity Transmission (PDF 85KB)
Appendix 3.10.2 - NPS on Electricity Transmission - S32 Evaluation (PDF 494KB)
Appendix 3.10.3 - NPS on Electricity Transmission - Risks of Development near High-voltage Lines (PDF 347KB)
Appendix 3.10.4 - Transmission Line Buffer Corridor - Q&A (PDF 176KB)

Appendix 3.10.5 - Whangarei District Council - Plan Change 123A

Appendix 3.10.6 - NZECP 34 - 2001 (PDF 854KB)

3.11 - Biodiversity

Appendix 3.11.1 - Criteria for the Identification of SEAs (PDF 1.8MB)
Appendix 3.11.2 - Review of AC’s proposed Ecological Significance Criteria (PDF 785KB)
Appendix 3.11.3 - Threatened and Unique Biodiversity Assets of Auckland (PDF 973KB)
Appendix 3.11.4 - Indigenous terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems of Auckland (PDF 2.9MB)
Appendix 3.11.5 - Spatial extent of Auckland's indigenous terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems (PDF 4.5MB)
Appendix 3.11.6 - Auckland Councils Indigenous Biodiversity Strategy (PDF 3.9MB)
Appendix 3.11.7 - 4.4 SoE and Biodiversity - Marine (PDF 6.1MB)
Appendix 3.11.8 - 4.5 SoE and Biodiversity - Terrestrial Biodiversity (PDF 1.7MB)
Appendix 3.11.9a - 4.3 SoE and Biodiversity - Freshwater (PDF 4.7MB)
Appendix 3.11.9b - 4.3 SoE and Biodiversity - Freshwater (PDF 4.4MB)
Appendix 3.11.9c - 4.3 SoE and Biodiversity - Freshwater (PDF 4.8MB)

3.12 - Pre-1944 demolition

Appendix 3.12.1 - Development of the AUP Pre-1944 Demolition Control Overlay (PDF 783KB)

3.13 - Historic heritage

Appendix 3.13.1 - Guidelines for nominating a historic heritage place for evaluation (PDF 720KB)
Appendix 3.13.2 - Guidelines for nominating a historic heritage place for evaluation (PDF 3.8MB)

3.14 - Treaty settlements

Appendix 3.14.1 - Waikato Tainui Te Kauhunganui Inc v HamCC - High Court decision (PDF 113KB)
Appendix 3.14.2 - Māori Values Supplement for the Making of Good Decisions Workbook (PDF 576KB)

3.16 - Māori development

Appendix 3.16.1 - Māori Values Supplement for the Making of Good Decisions Workbook (PDF 576KB)
Appendix 3.16.2 - Papakāinga Technical Report for Auckland Council (PDF 3.0MB)
Appendix 3.16.3 - Draft UP Māori Purpose Zone Review Report (PDF 214KB)
Appendix 3.16.4 - The Māori Plan for Tamaki Makāurau (PDF 3.6MB)
Appendix 3.16.5 - Explanation of Māori design and development concepts 2013 (PDF 266KB)
Appendix 3.16.6 - Māori values in design and development 2013 (PDF 119KB)
Appendix 3.16.7 - Te Aranga - Māori Cultural Landscape Strategy (PDF 668KB)

3.17 - Māori land

Appendix 3.17.1 - Government planning and support for housing on Māori land (PDF 1.9MB)
Appendix 3.17.2 - Owners aspirations regarding the utilisation of Māori land (PDF 4.6MB)
Appendix 3.17.3 - Review of the Public Works Act - summary of submissions (PDF 692KB)
Appendix 3.17.4 - Papakāinga Technical Report for Auckland Council - Final Report (PDF 3.0MB)
Appendix 3.17.5 - Draft Unitary Plan Māori Purpose Zone Review Report (PDF 214KB)
Appendix 3.17.6 - Māori Values Supplement for the Making of Good Decisions (PDF 576KB)

3.18 - Māori and natural resources

Appendix 3.18.1 - List of Iwi planning documents (PDF 35KB)
Appendix 3.18.2 - Water Quality and Quantity Freshwater Policy and Plan-Making (PDF 1.8MB)
Appendix 3.18.3 - Māori Values Supplement for the Making of Good Decisions (PDF 576KB)
Appendix 3.18.4 - vision and strategy for the Waikato River (PDF 5.1MB)
Appendix 3.18.5 - Maatauranga Maaori in Urban Planning (PDF 2.7MB)
Appendix 3.18.6 - Iwi/Hapū Perspectives of Freshwater Management - Auckland Region (PDF 943KB)

3.19 - Landscapes

Appendix 3.19.1 - Auckland Regional Landscape Assessment for ARC (PDF 5MB)
Appendix 3.19.2 - ARPS - ONLAs for ARC (PDF 243KB)
Appendix 3.19.3 - ARPS - Change 8 - ONLs Decisions Version (PDF 209KB)
Appendix 3.19.4 - Natural Character Assessment - Auckland Region (PDF 6.8MB)
Appendix 3.19.5 - Environment Court Decision 174 (PDF 2.1MB)
Appendix 3.19.6 - Environment Court Decision 050 (PDF 2.8MB)
Appendix 3.19.7 - RMA 1991 (PDF 205KB)
Appendix 3.19.8 - NZ Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (PDF 514KB)
Appendix 3.19.9 - Tourism Sector Profile - International Visitors (PDF 125KB)
Appendix 3.19.10 - Tourism Sector Profile - Tourist Activity (PDF 126KB)
Appendix 3.19.11 - Towards an Economic Valuation of the Hauraki Gulf (PDF 2.6MB)

3.21 - Affordable housing

Appendix 3.21.1 - Possible provisions to improve housing affordability (PDF 430KB)
Appendix 3.21.2 - APC - Open Addendum Agenda (PDF 156KB)
Appendix 3.21.3 - Inclusionary Zoning and Brownfield Residential Development (PDF 702KB)
Appendix 3.21.4 - Inclusionary Zoning and Greenfield Residential Development (PDF 751KB)
Appendix 3.21.5 - Affordable Housing and the Auckland Unitary Plan - report (PDF 973KB)

3.22 - Future urban zone

Appendix 3.22.1 - Future Urban zone approaches - Review (PDF 126KB)
Appendix 3.22.2 - Modelling to determine subdivision and development capacity of alternatives (PDF 6.0MB)

3.25 - Freshwater

Appendix 3.25.1 - How to Give Legal Effect in Regional Plans to the NPS (PDF 434KB)
Appendix 3.25.2 - Freshwater Objectives and Limits and Implementing the NPS (PDF 521KB)
Appendix 3.25.3 - Freshwater Management NPS Implementation Project (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 3.25.4 - NPS for Freshwater Management Progressive Implementation Programme (PDF 434KB)
Appendix 3.25.5 - DRAFT Option Evaluation Paper for Natural Environment Workstream (PDF 88KB)
Appendix 3.25.6 - Background Paper on the NPS Freshwater Management 2011 (PDF 88KB)
Appendix 3.25.7 - NPS for Freshwater Management 2011 and the Implications for Auckland Council (PDF 285KB)
Appendix 3.25.8 - Implementing the NPS for Freshwater in Auckland (PDF 299KB)

3.26 - Flooding

Appendix 3.26.1 - Proposed policies for Flooding in PAUP (PDF 24KB)
Appendix 3.26.2 - Statutory base for Flooding (PDF 111KB)
Appendix 3.26.3 - International and national examples (PDF 246KB)

3.27 - Intermittent streams and riparian margins

Appendix 3.27.1 - Riparian Margins North Shore City Council District Plan (PDF 666KB)
Appendix 3.27.2 - Small headwater streams of the Auckland Region Volume 1: Spatial Extent (PDF 7.0MB)
Appendix 3.27.3 - Small headwater streams of the Auckland Region Volume 2: Hydrology and water quality (PDF 1.2MB)
Appendix 3.27.4 - Small headwater streams of the Auckland Region Volume 3: Nitrate and Phosphate Removal (PDF 1.4MB)
Appendix 3.27.5 - Small headwater streams of the Auckland Region Volume 4: Natural Values (PDF 3.5MB)

3.28 - Natural hazards

Appendix 3.28.1 - Option Evaluation Paper for Natural Environment Workstream Natural Hazard Mapping (PDF 784KB)
Appendix 3.28.2 - Issues paper: Natural hazard risk (PDF 43KB)
Appendix 3.28.3 - Options evaluation paper: Natural hazard mapping 2011 (PDF 94KB)
Appendix 3.28.4 - Natural Hazard Mapping: Paper for the Senior Leadership Team 2012 (PDF 489KB)
Appendix 3.28.5 - Coastal inundation presentation (PDF 1.8MB)
Appendix 3.28.6 - UP Summary of mapping information (PDF 73KB)
Appendix 3.28.7 - Coastal inundation by storm-tides and waves in the Auckland region (PDF 5.1MB)

Appendix 3.33.1 - Environment Court Decision - 037 (PDF 240KB)
Appendix 3.33.2 - Auckland Recreational Boating Study (PDF 2.4MB)

3.34 - Sewage discharge - boats

Appendix 3.34.1 - Method of cost-analysis related to holding tank installation (PDF 28KB)
Appendix 3.34.2 - UP Controls on Sewage Discharge from Vessels (PDF 1.4MB)
Appendix 3.34.3 - Auckland Recreational Boating Study (PDF 2.4MB)

3.35 - Rural subdivision

Appendix 3.35.1 - Changes in soil quality and land use in grazed pasture within rural Auckland (PDF 332KB)
Appendix 3.35.2 - Open Agenda - Environment and Sustainability Forum (PDF 109KB)
Appendix 3.35.3 - Rural Economic Development in the Auckland Region (PDF 861KB)
Appendix 3.35.4 - Rural Production Comparative Analysis (PDF 1.3MB)
Appendix 3.35.5 - Transferable Rural Lot Right Related Incentives (PDF 288KB)
Appendix 3.35.6 - Rural Capacity Across Auckland Region - Issues and Options (PDF 566KB)
Appendix 3.35.7 - Versatile Soils Productive Land - report for HBRC (PDF 1.9MB)
Appendix 3.35.9 - What is the Future of Auckland's Rural Areas? (PDF 1.4MB)
Appendix 3.35.10 - Alignment between the EDS and the AP rural chapter (PDF 293KB)
Appendix 3.35.11 - Rural Development Auckland (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 3.35.12 - Rodney District Council Rural Strategy (PDF 5.3MB)
Appendix 3.35.13 - Creating Sustainable Urban/Rural Linkages (PDF 661KB)
Appendix 3.35.14 - PC36 - Waitakere City District Plan (PDF 200KB)
Appendix 3.35.15 - Countryside Living Opportunities across the Auckland Region (PDF 3.0MB)
Appendix 3.35.16 - Auckland Region Rural Transport Issues (PDF 1.9MB)
Appendix 3.35.17 - Regulatory incentives for waivers on restrictions of rural land subdivision - Review (PDF 5.8MB)
Appendix 3.35.18 - Development Strategy for Rural Areas of Greater Auckland (PDF 2.1MB)
Appendix 3.35.19 - Rural Significant Issues and comments (PDF 97KB)
Appendix 3.35.20 - Proposed rural objectives - draft Unitary Plan (PDF 601KB)
Appendix 3.35.21 - Proposed rural policies - draft Unitary Plan (PDF 1.4MB)
Appendix 3.35.22 - Expansion of lifestyle blocks and urban areas (PDF 151KB)
Appendix 3.35.23 - Impacts of urbanisation trends on soil resource availability in New Zealand (PDF 432KB)
Appendix 3.35.24 - Submission on the draft AUP - The Rural Advisory Panel (PDF 610KB)
Appendix 3.35.25 - Auckland Unleashed - a rural view (PDF 2.0MB)
Appendix 3.35.26 - Unitary Plan Issues Paper - rural areas (PDF 290KB)
Appendix 3.35.27 - Franklin Plus 2012 - a development strategy Vol2 (PDF 2.2MB)
Appendix 3.35.29 - Rural Production Cf Analysis Greenfield Study Areas (PDF 1.1MB)
Appendix 3.35.30 - A Study of Smallholdings and their Owners (PDF 3.1MB)

3.39 - Traffic in centres

Appendix 3.39.1 - Transport NZ Research Report 453 (2011) (PDF 1.6MB)
Appendix 3.39.2 - Consultation for s32 topics (PDF 234KB)
Appendix 3.39.3 - Decision making references for s32 topics (PDF 103KB)

3.40 - Cycle parking

Appendix 3.40.1 - Clause 52.34 Bicycle Facilities of the Victoria Planning Scheme (PDF 40KB)
Appendix 3.40.2 - ATCOP Chapter 11 Cycle Infrastructure Design (PDF 2.0MB)
Appendix 3.40.3 - Hamilton City District Plan - 15-2 (PDF 1.0MB)
Appendix 3.40.4 - Cycling statistics (Auckland Transport 2013) (PDF 102KB)
Appendix 3.40.5 - Technical note: Cycle parking (PDF 164KB)

3.41 - Strategic transport corridor

Appendix 3.41.1 - NZTA Suggested UP Provisions for Infrastructure (PDF 356KB)
Appendix 3.41.2 - UP Proposed Transport Zone (PDF 4.4MB)
Appendix 3.41.3 - Interim Definitions for Transport Equipment and Roads (PDF 273KB)
Appendix 3.41.4 - TSU comments on draft strategic transport zone provisions (PDF 28KB)
Appendix 3.41.5 - NZTA draft transport provisions V4 (PDF 297KB)
Appendix 3.41.6 - Roads and Strategic Transport Corridor Activity Status Table (PDF 67KB)
Appendix 3.41.7 - Amended draft September-October 2012 (PDF 606KB)

3.42 - Crossings on arterial roads

Appendix 3.42.1 - Vehicle Access and Parking/Loading Design (PDF 1.6MB)

Appendix 3.48.1 - Tree Management Plan for Network Utility Works in the Road Corridor (PDF 900KB)

 3.49 - Genetically modified organisms

Appendix 3.49.1 - Managing Risks Associated with Outdoor Use of GMOs - Draft report (PDF 766KB)
Appendix 3.49.2 - Auckland District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section – Proposed 2006 - Extracts (PDF 50KB)
Appendix 3.49.3 - Managing Risks Associated with Outdoor Use of GMOs - supporting documents (PDF 3.6MB)
Appendix 3.49.4 - Managing Risks Associated with Outdoor Use of GMOs (PDF 229KB)
Appendix 3.49.5 - Managing Risks Associated with Outdoor Use of GMOs - Legal Opinions (PDF 288KB)
Appendix 3.49.6 - Minutes for Unitary Plan Political Working Party - 8 February 2013 (PDF 284KB)
Appendix 3.49.7 - APC Open Minutes - 12 February 2013 (PDF 128KB)
Appendix 3.49.8 - Managing Risks Associated with Outdoor Use of GMOs - Proposed Plan Change, S32 and Legal Opinion (PDF 266KB)
Appendix 3.49.9 - Environmental and Sustainability Forum - Open Minutes - 19 February 2013 (PDF 43KB)
Appendix 3.49.10 - Environmental and Sustainability Forum - Open Minutes - 22 July 2013 (PDF 36KB)
Appendix 3.49.11 - APC Workshop - notes - 11 July 2013 (PDF 276KB)
Appendix 3.49.12 - APC Open Minutes - 25 July 2013 (PDF 112KB)
Appendix 3.49.13 - APC Open Minutes - 13 August 2013 (PDF 192KB)
Appendix 3.49.14 - Review of the 49 Recommendations of the Royal Commission on GM (PDF 1.2MB)
Appendix 3.49.15 - The History of GM in New Zealand (PDF 1.0MB)
Appendix 3.49.16 - Overview of Genetic Modification in New Zealand 1973 - 2013 (PDF 1.3MB)