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Due dates for property rates payments

Property rates instalment due dates

You need to pay your property rates on or before the four instalment dates:

​Instalment number ​Instalment date

Instalment 1

Friday 30 August 2024

Instalment 2

Friday 29 November 2024

Instalment 3

Friday 28 February 2025

Instalment 4

Friday 30 May 2025

How to make property rates payments

You can make a part-payment into your property rates account at any time.

You can use any payment method we offer, as long as you pay the full amount of your property rates instalment by the due date.

Log in to myAUCKLAND to see your instalments and any outstanding payments.


Log in to myAUCKLAND   

Penalties for late payments

If you do not pay the full instalment amount of your property rates by the due date, we will add a 10 per cent penalty to the amount left to pay.

Help to pay your property rates

If you are having difficulty paying your property rates by the due date, you may be eligible for a property rates rebate or a property rates postponement.

If these options are not available to you, contact us on 09 301 0101 and ask to speak with our credit control team, to discuss an arrangement to pay all outstanding property rates.

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