Panonitia te whakataunga pae, ngā pārongo ā-para rānei mō tō papanoho i tā mātou pātengi raraunga
Change your property's rating or waste information in our database
Our Rating Information Database (RID) records all property information in Auckland and is used to set and assess property rates.
What you can object to in the Rates Information Database (RID)
You have the right to inspect and, on certain grounds, object to our RID and property rates records.
Property information
You can object to incorrect information we hold on your property, such as:
- property description
- area in hectares
- number of separate units on a property
- classification of property (such as: urban residential, urban business, rural business or rural residential).
You can also use this process to make sure the RID matches the District Valuation Roll (DVR). For example:
- a rating unit included in the DVR is not in the RID
- valuation information in the DVR is not in the RID or is entered incorrectly
- a change to the DVR has not been entered into our database.
For more information, visit New Zealand Properties: National District Valuation Roll.
What are not RID objections
- Number of bedrooms or carparks.
- Cladding.
- Our valuation of your property.
Waste information
You should know
We introduced a new rates-funded waste service throughout Auckland. This service will not start in Franklin until 30 June 2025, and in Rodney from September 2025.
You can object to waste information, such as:
- your rubbish bin size does not match your rates notice
- your food scraps or recycling bin information is incorrect
- you are being charged for a service we cannot provide.
Change your property information or waste charges in the RID online
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