Ā te rā e kohia ai tō pararopi-kore
On your inorganic collection day
When to put items out
If you have already made a booking:
- we will let you know your exact collection date the week before via email, txt or phone call. The email may be in your spam or junk folder
- you need to have your inorganic items out by 7am on the day of your collection.
If you have not yet made a booking, use our online booking tool. You can also use it to find your inorganic collection week. Collection week dates will display only if bookings are still open for your area.
You need to:
- place items in a single, identifiable pile, away from other items, so our collectors can easily identify what should and should not be taken
- place items within your property boundary and at the front of your property
- place items as close as possible to the driveway or front entrance of your property and not at the back or side entrances
- pile the items outside - not in a shed, garage or carport
- make sure that our collectors can access the items with trollies to ease collection
- allow access for other people who use any shared driveway
- unlock gates and secure dogs away from the collection area.
If you have a shared driveway, or if your driveway is particularly long or narrow, place your items close to your house.
How much you can put out for collection
This image shows examples of inorganic material you can put out for collection.
Each property can put out up to one cubic metre of inorganic material.
Items should be small or light enough to be lifted by two people.

What will happen on collection day
Inorganic collections take place between 7am and 7pm.
Inorganic items are collected using
two trucks, one taking recyclable material and the other taking items for landfill.
If your driveway is wide enough, a small van could be brought down to remove the items from your property.
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