If you live in a rural property in an area moving to a rates-funded rubbish service, we recommend you use bins instead of bags to dispose of your rubbish.
Switching to a bin is better for the environment than using single-use plastic bags.
How changes to our rubbish service will affect your area.
If you want to continue using bags
If you live in a rural property, you can request to use council rubbish bags. This request must be made by the ratepayer or landlord.
We will send you a bag pack which:
- will last approximately six months
- will be delivered at the same time as rates-funded bins.
Council bag packs
You can choose which bag pack size you want based on how much rubbish your household makes every week:
Small bag pack: 35 bags, 60L each. Roughly equal to an 80L rubbish bin.
Standard bag pack: 52 bags, 60L each. Equal to a 120L rubbish bin.
Large bag pack: 104 bags, 60L each. Equal to a 240L rubbish bin.
Request to use bags
Waitākere, North Shore and Papakura rural residents
ratesfunded@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz with:
- 'Rural rubbish bags request' in the email subject line
- your rural property address or rates assessment number
- the bag pack size you want.
Franklin rural residents
ruralrefusebags@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz by 14 April 2025 with:
- 'Rural rubbish bags request' in the email subject line
- your rural property address or rates assessment number
- the bag pack size you want.
Rodney rural residents
ruralrefusebags@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz by 18 May 2025 with:
- 'Rural rubbish bags request' in the email subject line
- your rural property address or rates assessment number
- the bag pack size you want.