We can lower the amount of waste that goes to landfill by:
- reducing our waste
- reusing and recycling unwanted items.
- Buy items in bulk and avoid packaging you do not need.
- Avoid disposables. Take your own reusable cup or drink bottle.
- Buy loose or unbagged fruit and vegetables.
- Use refills for things like hand soap and detergent.
- Use cloths or compostable sponges instead of paper towels.
- Make your own household cleaners.
- Reuse plastic bags and containers.
- Use a reusable container for takeaways.
- Use reusable containers or beeswax wraps instead of plastic food wrapping.
To find out what you can and cannot put in your regular recycling collection, visit What you can put in your recycling.
To find out how you can get rid of other items, visit How to get rid of unwanted items.
Recycle child car seats
Recycle your child's car seat for $35 per seat through the SeatSmart scheme. The seats are broken into parts that are recycled or repurposed.
For a list of collection sites, visit SeatSmart.
Recycle electronic items
You cannot put electronic items in your rubbish or recycling collection. These items can catch fire in our trucks and at our recycling facilities.
How to recycle electronic items
Take electronic items that have a battery or power cord to an e-waste recycler. For more information, visit How to get rid of electronic devices and accessories.
Before buying electronics, check if the company offers an end-of-life recycling service. Some manufacturers may take their products back for recycling, especially electronic waste like TVs, computers and mobile phones.
An example of this is the Re:MOBILE programme. They will recycle unwanted mobile handsets and are supported by telecommunication companies.
Recycling electronic waste lets us:
- recover rare and valuable materials
- reuse parts to create new products.
Donate your unwanted items
Donate your unwanted furniture and goods.
If donating to a charity store, your items must be in a sellable condition. Check with staff before dropping items off so that they do not have to pay to send your waste to landfill.
Donated materials for arts and DIY projects
Some places provide or accept donated materials that can be reused for arts or DIY projects.
West Auckland Resource Centre
The West Auckland Resource Centre (WARC) is a volunteer-run charitable trust that provides recycled materials to educational and community groups and the general public.
WARC provides many materials, including:
- ceramics and tiles
- sewing supplies and accessories
- leather
- metal
- paper
- plastic containers
- vinyl
- wallpaper
- wood.
They ask for a cash donation for resources you take.
For more information, visit the West Auckland Resource Centre.
Opening hours
WARC is only open during the school term and closed on school holidays and public holiday weekends.
Opening hours (during the school term only):
- Wednesdays: 12 noon to 2pm.
- Saturdays: 10am to 1pm.
2 Seabrook Avenue, behind New Lynn School.
North Shore Resource Centre
You can bring fabric and other materials for reuse to the North Shore Resource Centre.
They encourage people to reuse and recycle arts and crafts supplies, fabric and loose parts. These can be used by education providers and the general public.
The centre accepts donations of materials including:
- wool
- paper
- cardboard
- fabric
- beads
- feathers
- small, untreated pieces of wood.
They ask for a cash donation for materials you take.
For more information, visit North Shore Resource Centre.
Opening hours
- Wednesday: 10am to 2pm.
- Saturday: 10am to 2pm.
The resource centre is also open during school holidays, except for the Christmas/New Year school break.
44 Mahara Avenue, Birkenhead, Auckland
021 078 6182