Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Howick
Howick plans, agreements and reports
Howick Local Board Plan 2023
Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the
Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our
10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the
annual budgets.
Get a copy of the current plan
Get a copy of the previous plan
You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our contact centre or by visiting one of our libraries with council services.
Howick Local Board Agreement (budget)
The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.
Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.
Get a copy of the agreement
Read our budget plans in full.
Howick Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
In November 2024, the Howick Local Board adopted the Howick Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with
Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.
The plan provides people in the Howick area with advice and information about:
- local hazards
- preparing for emergencies
- responding during emergencies.
Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:
- how to prepare for an emergency
- what you and your family should do in an emergency
- who to contact to report a problem
- how to respond to different hazards in your area.
Achievements reports
These achievements reports contain summaries of projects, initiatives, and advocacy efforts towards making Howick an even better place to live, work and play.
Get a copy of the reports
Howick Local Board - Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022
This plan outlines how Howick Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.
The CCOs include:
- Auckland Transport
- Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
- Eke Panuku Development
- Watercare
This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.
Get a copy of the plan
Howick Urban Ngahere Action Plan 2021
The Howick Urban Ngahere Action Plan aims to recognise and replenish Tāmaki Makaurau’s urban ngahere (forest).
Get a copy of the plan
Howick Heritage Plan 2016
The 2016 Howick Heritage Plan is a guide to the management and preservation of heritage interests across the Howick Local Board area.
The plan - drafted following extensive discussions with community interest groups including iwi, local historians and the Howick Historical Village - will help guide local board on future heritage projects.
Adopted in September 2016, the plan is a guiding document featuring key principles:
- Explore Howick's intertwined Māori and European history and link this with that of greater Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland.
- Capture and record the area's varied written, cultural, oral and visual history as it has evolved up to today.
- Identify, preserve and protect natural features, historic places, property and relics within the wider Howick area.
- Recognise, promote and celebrate Howick's unique history through education, exploration and tourism initiatives.
Examples of how these principles can be used include information panels, murals, digital and web-based information, and developing a heritage education unit for local secondary schools.
Get a copy of the plan
Proposed park for former Greenmount landfill site
The Howick Local Board is proposing to transform the former Greenmount landfill site at East Tamaki into a native forest alongside leisure areas, children's play and fitness facilities, an off-leash dog area, walking and cycling tracks and access to the summit.
The 54ha site on the corner of Harris and Smales Roads was used as a landfill by Envirowaste Services Limited (ESL) up until 2005 and since 2006 has been undergoing managed fill operations to restore its original landform.
A concept design was developed in 2016, following consultation with the public and mana whenua. The local board approved the plan in June 2016. The site was previously a landfill, and the design needs to suit these constraints. But the final result is intended to be a monitored, safe and secure recreation and relaxation space.
Landfill operators are completing works to meet resource consent obligations, before the final sign-off and handover to council for development.
Howick Walking and Cycling Network Plan November 2018
This document defines the long-term walking and cycling network plan for the Howick Local Board area. It is a visionary and guiding document intended for use by elected members, Council and CCO officers, community and volunteer groups, private developers and other interested parties.
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