Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Te Ika Whenua o Waitākere
Waitākere Ranges plans, agreements and reports
Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan 2023
Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our 10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the annual budgets.
Get a copy of the current plan
Get a copy of the previous plan
You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our
contact centre or by visiting one of our
libraries with council services.
Waitākere Ranges Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
In December 2024, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with
Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.
The plan provides people in the Waitākere Ranges area with advice and information about:
- local hazards
- preparing for emergencies
- responding during emergencies.
Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:
- how to prepare for an emergency
- what you and your family should do in an emergency
- who to contact to report a problem
- how to respond to different hazards in your area.
Waitākere Ranges - Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022
This plan outlines how Waitākere Ranges Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.
The CCOs include:
- Auckland Transport
- Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
- Eke Panuku Development
- Watercare.
This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.
Get a copy of the plan
Waitākere ki tua 2019
This guide was developed from kōrero shared by the West Auckland Māori community through the West Auckland Mataawaka Report 2014 and the Toitū Waitākere Report 2017.
It provides guidance and support for local boards in West Auckland (Henderson-Massey, Whau and Waitākere Ranges) with decision-making on matters that are important to Māori in West Auckland.
Get a copy of the guide
Waitākere Ranges Greenways Plan
This document outlines the long-term plan to provide cycling and walking connections for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area, while also improving local ecology and access to recreational opportunities.
It provides guidance for Auckland Council and Auckland Transport, community and volunteer groups, private developers and other interested parties.
Get a copy of the plan
Get a copy of the progress and achievement report
Waitākere Ranges Local Board Agreement (budget)
The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.
Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.
Get a copy of the local board agreement
Read our budget plans in full.
Muddy Creeks Plan
The Muddy Creeks Plan – a local area plan for Parau, Laingholm, Woodlands Park and Waima – has been adopted by the council.
This plan was adopted by the Auckland Development Committee on Thursday 13 February 2014. The local board adopted the final draft plan at their meeting on 9 October 2013.
A local area plan has already been developed for each of the Oratia, Waiatarua and Henderson Valley communities.
Get a copy of the plan
Waitākere Ranges Foothills Design Guide
The Waitākere Ranges Foothills Design Guide assists landowners and design professionals to understand design solutions that, while not being compulsory, will assist in manage the effects of development in the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area.
This updated version of the guide was adopted by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board on 14 August 2014.
Get a copy of the guide
Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Monitoring Report
The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act was established in 2008 to protect and enhance the area's heritage features for present and future generations.
This report, commissioned by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board, reviews whether the objectives of the act are being met, and how human activity and council decisions are affecting the area.
Get a copy of the report
Waitākere Ranges Strategic Weed Management Plan
The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has adopted the Waitākere Ranges Strategic Weed Management Plan to help protect the ranges from invasive weeds in a systematic, coordinated way.
Weeds present a huge and growing threat to the ecology of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area, which is an area of national significance.
The plan provides a set of advocacy priorities and recommendations to allocate budgets to combat weeds.
The board commissioned Jack Craw, former manager of biosecurity at Auckland Council, to write the strategic weed plan.
Get a copy of the plan
Big Blue Waitākere: Coastal and Marine Information Report
The Waitākere Ranges Local Board area is intrinsically linked to the coastal and marine environment, with its diverse habitats, plants, birds, marine mammals and fish. Our aim is to promote conversations in the local community about our coastline, and how we can get involved.
This report proposes directions, priorities and projects to protect, restore and enhance unique marine and coastal areas at the mouth of the Manukau Harbour and the West Coast.
You can find a copy of the Big Blue Waitākere report at
Knowledge Auckland (PDF 5.9MB).
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