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Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Waitematā

Waitematā plans, agreements and reports

Waitematā Local Board Plan 2023

Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our 10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the annual budgets.

Get a copy of the current plan

​Get a copy of the previous plan

​You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our contact centre or by visiting one of our libraries with council services.

Waitematā Local Board Agreement (budget)

The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.

Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.

Get a copy of the local board agreement

Waitematā Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan

In February 2025, the Waitematā Local Board adopted the Waitematā Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.

The plan provides people in the Waitematā area with advice and information about:

  • local hazards
  • preparing for emergencies
  • responding during emergencies.

Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:

  • how to prepare for an emergency
  • what you and your family should do in an emergency
  • who to contact to report a problem
  • how to respond to different hazards in your area.

Waitematā – Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022

This plan outlines how Waitematā Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.

The CCOs include:

  • Auckland Transport
  • Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
  • Eke Panuku Development
  • Watercare.

This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.

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​Achievements reports 2010-2019

Every financial year the Waitematā Local Board produces a summary of achievements from the year.

The achievements reports contain summaries of projects, initiatives and advocacy efforts towards making Waitematā an even better place to live, work and play.

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Advocacy positions for the 10-year Budget 2018-2028

A key role of the local board is to advocate for initiatives that the local board may not have decision-making responsibilities or funding for in the Auckland Council 10-year Budget, but recognise the value it will add to the local community.

A new list of key advocacy areas for the Waitematā Local Board has been adopted.

Get a copy of the list

​Accessibility Plan (2012-2015)

The Waitematā Local Board Accessibility Plan outlines the board's focus to increase  accessibility within the area.

The board's commitment to and vision for accessibility covers: accessible culture, communication and community engagement, accessible communities and other projects.

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​Becoming a Low Carbon Community: An Action Plan (2015)

Waitematā is the first local board to draft a localised carbon reduction plan, supporting the ten year Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan. The plan seeks to reduce greenhouse emissions locally.

This document focuses on helping community groups, individuals and businesses become a low carbon community through reducing energy use and waste, promoting sustainable transport options and encouraging local food production, as well as promoting the effective and cooperative use of resources.

You can download a copy of the Waitematā Low-Carbon Community Plan or pick up a copy from the Waitematā Local Board office.

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​Bonus floor provisions

Bonus floor provisions allow developers to increase the floor space of a private development by providing public access or benefit from the change.

This is usually in the form of pedestrian access ways through buildings and may include widened footpaths, public viewing decks, plazas, and privately owned art works that are accessible to the general public.

Get a copy of the bonus floor provisions and related photos

City Centre Masterplan (CCMP)

The City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) sets the strategic direction for the city centre over the next 20 years.

It applies the Auckland Plan to the city centre through ten outcomes, to be delivered through eight transformational moves and Access for Everyone (A4E).

City fringe economic reports and development action plans

The City Fringe Economic Development Action Plan creates a framework to guide local economic development actions. It assists business associations in developing programmes that will attract retailers and customers to invest in the area.

It is based on reports that identify market trends and behaviours and define the role, function and inter-relationships of business activities across the central city fringe area, including opportunities and constraints to their growth and development.

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​Grey Lynn Park Development Plan (2015)

The purpose of this plan is to consolidate previous park development plans and provide a long-term vision for the future development of Grey Lynn Park.

This development plan will allow a coordinated approach to guide improvements and renewals over the next 10 years and beyond, sustaining Grey Lynn Park's position as one of Auckland's premier parks.

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​Inner city residents survey report (2013)

This report presents the result of a survey that was undertaken among residents of the inner city to gather baseline data around aspects of living in the inner city to inform the City Centre Masterplan monitoring framework.

The survey was jointly funded by Auckland Council's Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit, the City Centre Transformation team and the Waitematā Local Board.

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​Karangahape Road Plan 2014-2044

The Karangahape Road Plan 2014-2044 aims to provide a clear planning framework to guide how the Karangahape Road area could grow and change over the next 30 years.

Its key moves include showcasing the area as the creative, edgy fringe of the city centre and promoting the City Rail Link station as the catalyst for new investments.

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Meola Reef Development Plan (2019)

The Meola Reef Reserve Te Tokaroa Development Plan provides a vision for the area over the ten-year period from 2017 to 2027.

Email with questions and comments.

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Myers Park Development Plan (2012)

The purpose of the Myers Park Development Plan is to establish a set of best practice guiding principles and design ideas for any further development on or surrounding the park.

Auckland Council recognises the importance of this park for its historical significance as a 'green lung' and as a valuable pedestrian connection between the Karangahape Road Precinct and the Aotea Precinct.

It also provides an important open space for local residents, particularly children.

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​Newmarket Laneways Plan (2015)

This document will set the vision for Newmarket Laneways into the future, the aim to improve the quality of our streets and public spaces, making them safer, more inviting, more interesting - and more walkable.

Teed Street upgrade

The Teed Street upgrade began construction in 2017.

Access to businesses and shops remained open throughout construction, while pedestrian and vehicle access was managed to ensure  disruption was kept to a minimum.

The project has now been completed.

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​Newton Eden Terrace Plan (2016-2046)

You can find more information on the Newton and Eden Terrace Plan page.

The Parnell Plan (2019)

The Parnell Plan provides direction and actions for the next 30 years to ensure Parnell continues to be a fantastic place to live, work, play and do business.

See The Parnell Plan for more information.

Point Resolution Taurarua Plan (2015)

The purpose of the Point Resolution Taurarua Development Plan is to provide a clear design framework to guide how Point Resolution Reserve and public access to it - including the Hobson Bay Walkway - should be improved over the short, medium and long-term.

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​Ponsonby Road Plan 2014-2044

The Ponsonby Road Plan provides a framework for Ponsonby from 2014-2044.

The plan establishes a vision and desired outcomes for Ponsonby Road and includes an implementation strategy.

Tree loss in the Waitematā Local Board over 10 years, 2006-2016

This report summarises tree loss within the Waitematā Local Board area over 10-years, from January 2006 to February 2016.

The report was written for the Natural Environment portfolio of the Waitematā Local Board.

It provides background information and some direction and context for an urban forest strategy.

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​Waitematā Greenways Plan (2013)

Auckland's Greenways plans are a series of linked, visionary plans driven by local boards with the long-term aim of improving walking, cycling and ecological connections across the region.

To achieve this, greenways may cross existing parkland and follow street connections between parks.

The network typically follows natural landforms such as streams and coastlines, as well as man-made features such as streets and motorways.

Implementing the Waitematā Greenways Plan will better connect the area to the neighbouring Kaipātiki, Ōrākei and Albert-Eden Local Board areas, and link to regional walking and cycling proposals for the greater Auckland region.

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​Western Park Tuna Mau Development Plan (2015)

The Western Park Tuna Mau Development Plan was adopted by the Waitematā Local Board in August 2015. It provides a clear design framework to guide improvements and renewals throughout the park over the next 10 years and beyond.

The framework the plan provides will facilitate an improved open space that meets the aspirations and goals that the community and mana whenua have for the park.

Three core components were used as the main values within this plan – heritage, people and place.

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​Waitematā Local Board Arts and Creative Industries Needs Analysis and Stocktake of Community Space (2018)

The Waitematā Local Board Arts and Creative Industries Needs Analysis and Stocktake of Community Space report was adopted by Waitematā Local Board in 2019.

The report was commissioned to provide a better understanding of the community spaces available for services relating to the arts and creative industries in the local board area.

This report provides:

  • a snapshot of the arts and creative industries operating in and around Ponsonby and Karangahape Roads
  • the current and future aspirations and needs of the arts and creative industries, and how we can address these goals
  • the number and range of community spaces in the Waitematā Local Board area that can be accessed by those in the arts and creative industries.

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​Western Springs Lakeside Te Wai Ōrea park development plan

The plan will guide how Western Springs Lakeside and its connection with surrounding reserves and facilities will improve over time.

The plan focuses on ways to improve the park without changing the layout.

​Waitematā Urban Ngahere Action Plan (2019)

The Waitematā Urban Ngahere Action Plan is intended to deliver Auckland Council's Urban Ngahere (Forest) Strategy at a local level.

It outlines the necessary steps to consider when planting new trees in:

  • the road corridor
  • open spaces
  • public parks.

The plan highlights the importance on focusing our efforts on a longer-term programme of planting trees to maintain overall tree canopy coverage. This will ensure residents have access to nature, shade and the range of benefits that come with urban tree cover.

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