Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Whau
Whau plans, agreements and reports
Whau Local Board Plan 2023
Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), our 10-year Budget (long-term plan) and the annual budgets.
Get a copy of the current plan
Get a copy of the previous plan
Whau Local Board Agreement (budget)
The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.
Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.
Get a copy of the local board agreement
Read our budget plans in full.
Whau Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
In December 2024, the Whau Local Board adopted the Whau Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with
Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.
The plan provides people in the Whau area with advice and information about:
- local hazards
- preparing for emergencies
- responding during emergencies.
Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:
- how to prepare for an emergency
- what you and your family should do in an emergency
- who to contact to report a problem
- how to respond to different hazards in your area.
Whau Pacific Peoples Plan
The purpose of the Whau Pacific Peoples Plan is to help improve inclusion and support for Pacific residents in the Whau Local Board area.
The plan covers:
- effective engagement with diverse Pacific communities
- improving awareness and understanding of the role of the local board and local board services
- increasing access to facilities and parks
- encouraging participation in local board programmes and events.
Whau Local Board - Joint CCO Engagement Plan 2021-2022
This plan outlines how Whau Local Board and council-controlled organisations (CCOs) will work together on community priorities.
The CCOs include:
- Auckland Transport
- Tātaki Auckland Unlimited
- Eke Panuku Development
- Watercare.
This plan also creates a framework for reporting progress.
Get a copy of the plan
Whau Local Board Environmental Action Report
The purpose of the Whau Local Board Environmental Action Report (WEAR) is to establish a living inventory of environmentally focused projects and programmes in the Whau Local Board area.
The board aims to provide a simple, logical framework to determine appropriate levels of support, coordination and involvement.
Get a copy of the report
Whau Neighbourhood Greenways Plan
The Whau Neighbourhood Greenways Plan outlines the long-term 'greenways plan' (often termed 'greenways network') for the Whau Local Board area.
Similar greenways plans have been developed throughout the world, with Portland, Oregon being one of the most successful.
Auckland's greenways plans are a series of linked, visionary plans being driven 'from the ground up' by local boards, with the long-term aim of greatly improving walking, cycling and ecological connections across the region.
Get a copy of the plan
Becoming a low carbon community: An action plan
The Whau Local Board has drafted a localised carbon reduction plan, supporting the ten year Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan.
The plan aims to reduce greenhouse emissions locally.
This document focuses on helping community groups, individuals and businesses become a low carbon community through:
- reducing energy use and waste
- promoting sustainable transport options
- encouraging local food production
- promoting the effective and cooperative use of resources.
Get a copy of the plan
Whau Open Space Network Plan
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