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Ngā Āhua pātai te tukua tonu mai mō ētahi atu kōrero e hāngai ana ki te hanga whare

Common requests for further information on building consent applications

These are the most common reasons we would send a request for further information (RFI) on a building consent application.

Quality of drawings

  • All drawings must be in black and white, with a minimum text size of CAD 10 or 2.5mm and drawn to a professional standard; with all dimensions provided and details cross-referenced.
  • Missing approvals.
  • Check if Engineering Plan Approval (EPA) is required.
  • Provide Watercare approvals for works over public drain; provide bridging details.

Incomplete forms

  • Ensure Producer Statements (PS1 and PS2) are filled in Full, including compliance with all relevant standards and B2 as per our policy.
  • Provide completed Memorandum of Design Works from designer and engineer, ensure this is filled in completely, including description of works and references to plans for all the Restricted Building Work.
  • Complete page 2 agreement to provide the producer statement form during construction.
  • Compliance details.
  • Ensure smoke detectors are indicated (for new and existing dwelling on site).
  • Provide erosion and sediment control plan for proposed earthworks on site.
  • Establish compliance, and specify means of compliance, for each of the relevant proposed New Zealand Building Code clauses (fill page 4 of the application form appropriately).

Bathroom alterations

  • Provide wall-to-fixture junction details.
  • For all tiled showers, please provide construction details for wall-to-floor and nib construction details.  
  •  If tiles specified, ensure the floor joists are spaced at 400 centres in order to achieve deflection of less than 1/360th.
  • Ensure safety glass is specified for shower glass and any windows prone to impact.
  • Ensure ventilation is addressed.
  • Confirm the location of the existing or proposed hot water cylinder (HWC).
  • Complete agreement to provide producer statement form, to indicate you will provide PS3 for waterproofing membrane and warranty.
  • Provide pipe sizes and gradients for all plumbing and drainage.


  • Ensure PS1 is provided for mechanical ventilation/ HVAC systems, emergency lighting, etc, where required. A PS2 is required for lifts.
  • Test results for critical radiant flux for the proposed flooring, ceiling, walls surface/paints, New HVAC ducts and insulation.
  • Exit signs, emergency lighting, accessibility and other relevant signage in accordance with NZBC F8 to be indicated on architectural plans.
  • Ensure plumbing and drainage complies with NZBC G13 and discharge pipe, materials, sizes and gradients have been provided including location of backflow prevention device or grease converter device where applicable.
  • Wet-areas to comply with NZBC E3 for surface finish to be easily cleaned when water splashed. And all relevant wall to fixture junction details to be provided.
  • Structural engineering design calculations for the stability during, and after, the fire.
  • Provide all relevant details that are required for accessibility – counter, toilets, car park, entry, corridors etc.
  • PDF copy of fire design for Fire Services to review.
  • Lighting/emergency lighting reflected ceiling plan required.
  • Solid waste disposal strategy to comply with G15.
  • Technical specifications required for semi-pumps, backflow-prevention devices, HVAC systems, etc.
  • Specification for all glazing to comply with NZS4223.3.
  • Confirm how suspended ceiling system will comply with B1 and B2 and demonstrate how seismic restrain is provided.


  • Check if Engineering Plan Approval (EPA) is required for the proposed works.
  • Obtain Auckland Transport (AT) approval for the proposed kerb discharge.

Minor household unit (MHU)

  • If converting an existing workshop/shed/garage into MHU, ensure/confirm slab has DPM.
  • All critical construction details required.
  • Provide pipe sizes and gradients for all plumbing and drainage.

New dwellings

  • Ensure PS1 is completed in full and where Geotech report has been prepared, PS1 for Foundation should take geotech into consideration. Some reports recommend final drawings require a review by the geotechnical engineer, hence a statement should be provided at lodgement.
  • Provide details how stormwater run-off in paved areas will be controlled and directed away from the house (where possible, or channel drains specified).
  • Ensure all specifically engineer-designed (SED) elements are supported with calculations and drawings signed by engineer (if there are no specific engineer’s drawings) when supported by PS1.
  • Indicate framing at gable ends behind cladding, as per cladding manufacturer’s literature.
  • Structural engineering design calculations for the stability during, and after, the fire.
  • Provide wall-to-fixture junction wet-area details.
  • For all tiled showers, please provide construction details for wall-to-floor and nib construction details.   

Out-buildings – sleepouts, garages, carports and sheds

  • If the shed/garage is lined or insulated, confirm use in writing (i.e., confirm non-habitable space).
  • Mesh requirements for slabs – 500e and DPM if converted to a habitable space.

Relocatable dwellings

  • Provide location and Invert levels of SW and SS connections.
  • Supply a clear on-site drainage plan.
  • Specify location of sub-floor access – on elevation.
  • If a new build is being relocated, then a copy of the CCC should be provided.

Residential alterations

  • Provide manufacturers’ literature for all the proposed claddings, underlays, Membranes, HWCs, balustrades, and any other specific products.
  • Ensure safety glass is specified for shower glass and any windows prone to impact.
  • Provide pipe sizes and gradients for all plumbing and drainage.
  • Provide wall-to-fixture junction details.
  • Specify lintel sizes, span and fixings for all openings (where appropriate).
  • Ensure proposed Bracing satisfies all the requirements of section 5 of NZS3604:2011 or provide SED.

Retaining walls

  • Indicate sub-soil drain behind the proposed retaining walls, also show discharge to the drainage outfall via a cesspit. (Retaining walls cannot discharge to detention tanks).
  • If proposed wall is built on or within 1m of the boundary, provide construction methodology of site excavations and how support will be maintained to neighbouring properties.
  • Ensure geotechnical conditions, if any, are considered.

Solid fuel heater

  • Provide accurate dimensions on floor plan around the proposed SFH.
  • Specify type of existing flooring and roofing material.
  • If an approved installer is going to carry out the installation, provide a copy of their identification.
  • Manufacturers' literature for the proposed device and ensure emissions meet the Ministry for Environment (ECAN or NELSON Authorization number) requirements.

Swimming pools

  • Provide manufacturers’ specifications for pool fencing, pool gates, locking systems etc.
  • Provide the dimensions, finished floor levels and location of any climbable objects.
  • Supply photographs of existing fences/walls/ building that are being used as pool fence.
  • Give backwash facility details.
  • Provide location of pool pumps or backwash facility to gully trap.

Wastewater treatment plant

  • Provide location of dispersal field, reserve field, drip lines/trenches, and tanks including distances from boundaries and buildings.
  • Provide manufacturer specifications of the proposed system, including pumps, alarms, etc.
  • For on-site wastewater systems, provide a TP58 report – including resource consent, if required.
  • If low water usage devices are required, please note this on the plans.

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