Focus area 1: Harness emerging technologies and ensure equitable access to high quality digital data and services
Rohe arotahinga 1: Ki te whītiki i ngā hangarau hou, ka whakatūturu i te whiwhinga tōkeke raraunga matihiko whaikounga me ngā ratonga
The rapid rate of change and disruption that will occur in businesses means that Auckland's economy is vulnerable if it fails to adopt new technologies and innovate accordingly.
Adopting new technologies and business practices is also a way to create a much-needed lift in
Auckland is well positioned to take advantage of opportunities presented through technology as it:
- has a relatively high-skilled labour market
- has strong educational institutions
- is a place that can attract talent based on its lifestyle offer.
High quality digital services are fundamental to advancing technology uptake for current and growing business and for the long term development and growth of skills required for the future.
Homes, schools and businesses also need high-quality digital services to keep up with the modern economy.
Providing equitable opportunities for all Aucklanders to participate in society using digital technologies means removing barriers, including:
- low household incomes that make internet services and devices unaffordable
- limited digital skills
- cybersecurity threats
- lack of awareness of the opportunities and risks of digital services.
How this can be done
The focus should be on how people and businesses get the most benefit from technological change. The fast pace of the digital revolution needs to be matched by ensuring everyone can make the most of online opportunities.
There needs to be affordable and accessible
digital infrastructure and plentiful opportunities for people to continuously develop their
digital literacy.
Formal education at all levels must respond to the digital new environment. This includes enhancing the entrepreneurial, science, technology, engineering and mathematics offer for all ages.
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