The Auckland Airport Shareholding Policy, which sets out the strategy for managing our investment in Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL).
The BID Policy outlines how we work with local business associations.
The Customer Privacy Policy covers the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.
The Development Contributions Policy sets contribution charges.
Information about our Diversion Policy in relation to criminal prosecutions carried out by Auckland Council.
The Events Policy reflects our commitment to an economically robust and socially inclusive events programme.
Our Formal Complaints Policy sets out the guiding principles we apply, staff roles and responsibilities and our process for handling formal complaints.
Information about the Māori Land Rates Remission and Postponement Policy.
The Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy sets the framework for acquiring new land for parks and open space.
This policy communicates our commitment to protecting employees who disclose serious wrongdoing at Auckland Council.
Supporting public art activity in all its forms contributes to our vision of Auckland being the world’s most liveable city.
This policy allows us to consider whether procuring a project through a public private partnership (PPP) will deliver the best value for money outcome for us and our stakeholders.
Information about Auckland Council's Rates Remission and Postponement Policy.
The Significance and Engagement Policy records how we consider community views and preferences when making decisions.
The Smokefree Policy is aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of Auckland’s communities by reducing the prevalence of smoking and de-normalising smoking behaviour.
The Treasury Management Policy consists of a liability management policy and an investment policy.
The Weed Management Policy helps us manage weeds in our parks and open spaces, including the road corridor.
When working to resolve issues, in rare circumstances we may need to apply our Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy.
The Local Alcohol Policy outlines the location, number and trading hours for alcohol businesses in different areas. It is presently under appeal.
The Local Alcohol Policy identifies areas in Auckland with high rates of alcohol-related harm. It is presently under appeal.
The Policy on Dogs helps us keep dogs a positive part of Auckland life.
Information about Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2011-2016.
How we help to regulate gambling and betting venues in Auckland.
Information about Auckland Council's procurement strategy, policy and sustainable framework.
The Local Board Funding Policy sets out our principles, methodology and formulae for fund allocation for local activities.
The Local Approved Products Policy (LAPP) sets out where psychoactive substances (also known as legal highs) can be sold.
The Community Grants Policy guides the allocation of local and regional grants to those involved in the delivery of projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.
Find out about our decision on Easter Sunday shop trading.
Find out about Auckland Council's Open Space Provision Policy.
Information about our Revenue and Financing Policy.
This policy sets out how board members will be appointed and reappointed, the skills required, and their remuneration.
The Facility Partnerships Policy helps us and our partners to develop and run much needed community facilities.
Information about Auckland Council's principles-based approach to compliance and non-compliance matters.
The Group Business Case Policy 2019 sets out consistent business case practice and governance expectations.
Our Retention Policy ensures that retention monies are held in accordance with the Construction Contracts Act 2002.
Read Auckland Council's Disclosure Policy which ensures Auckland Council complies with its continuous disclosure obligations as an issuer of bonds.
Our Māori Language policy provides a practical means for us to fulfil our commitments and obligations to Māori.
Find out about Auckland Council's position on COVID-19 vaccination.
Guidelines and principles for Auckland Council’s investment managers, including environmental, social and climate change considerations.