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He pārongo mō ngā whakataunga Rōpū 2P mā ngā kaiwhiwhi papanoho

Category 2P decision information for property owners

Last updated: 21 February 2025


We have agreed to provide funding to Category 2P homeowners affected by the severe weather events in early 2023, to help them mitigate future risk to life at their property.

You should know

The 2P grant scheme is now live. We will contact Category 2P homeowners about how to apply for their first grant. Both insured and uninsured Category 2P properties are eligible for 2P grants. 

Visit A deep dive into Category 2P for more on Category 2P mitigations.

Mitigations for 2P properties will be funded

We recognise that funding any mitigation to reduce the risk to life from flooding or landslide is out of reach financially for many homeowners.

The Governing Body has confirmed that if your home is a Category 2P, we will provide financial support to help you make the changes to your property that we identify as necessary to reduce the risk to life.

Category 2P properties are those where:

  • council has identified there is an intolerable risk to life from extreme weather and
  • changes to the property can reduce the risk to a tolerable level.

We call these changes 'mitigations'.

On Thursday 26 October 2023, the Governing Body made decisions about Category 2P properties.

Visit Property risk categories for more information.

Key Category 2P decisions

  • We will fund mitigations for Category 2P properties to reduce the risk to a tolerable level.
  • The category 2P Property Risk Mitigation Scheme will provide two grants to each 2P homeowner. The total of the two grants combined has a maximum value of 25 per cent (inclusive of GST) of the property’s capital value (CV) in our rates database on 26 January 2023.
  • The Category 2P grants are separate to any insurance and EQC settlements.
  • The mitigations need to be able to be completed within two years.

Visit Householders' guide to EQCover for more on EQC settlements.

Grants for Category 2P property work

The Category 2P Property Risk Mitigation Scheme will provide funding through two grants. The grants will support homeowners to scope and complete building work to reduce the risk at their property to a tolerable level.

The grants include:

  • a design and consent grant to help homeowners get the technical advice and consents they need to confirm the project’s feasibility
  • a construction grant supporting the homeowner to complete the consented works.

Homeowners are responsible for managing the work, including finding professional services and tradespeople to complete it.

The builder is responsible for:

  • ensuring the work complies with the relevant building codes
  • booking council inspections.

Once the work is completed, the property owner is responsible for applying for the Code Compliance Certificate.

Normal building consent and resource consent requirements still apply for work to reduce risk at Category 2P properties. Category 2P mitigations that cannot meet resource or building consent requirements will be considered infeasible and your property will change to a Category 3.

For more information, visit Category 3 buy-out offer and Category 2P mitigation affordability.

Opting out of mitigation work and buy-outs

If your property is listed as 2P, you can choose to opt out if you do not:

  • want to undertake mitigation work
  • consider a buy-out offer.

This means the property mitigation work will not be done and the future risk remains.

If you choose to opt out, there may be long-term implications for you. We recommend seeking independent legal advice before making this decision.

If the mitigation work is not completed, a notice will remain on your property Land Information Memorandum (LIM).

More information

Download the 'Category 2P property risk mitigation scheme homeowner handbook' to learn more.

​Download 'Funding agreement – design and consenting grant under 2P scheme'.

​Download 'Category 2P timeframe' to learn more about timelines.




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