Ngā mahere, whakaaetanga me ngā rīpoata mō Franklin
Franklin plans, agreements and reports
Franklin Local Board Plan 2023
Our local board plan is a three-year strategic plan that guides local board activity, funding and investment decisions. It also influences local board input into regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan (the 30-year vision for Auckland), and our one-year and 10-year budgets.
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You can request accessible Word documents of local board plans through our contact centre or by visiting one of our libraries with council services.
Franklin Local Board Agreement (budget)
The local board agreement sets out the local board's budget and funding for activities and performance measures for the financial year.
Local board agreements are part of the council's budget process. Visit One-year and 10-year budgets to find out more about our budgets.
Get a copy of the local board agreement
Read our budget plans in full.
Franklin Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan
In December 2024, the Franklin Local Board adopted the Franklin Local Board Emergency Readiness and Response Plan. This plan was developed with
Auckland Emergency Management with input from the wider community.
The plan provides people in the Franklin area with advice and information about:
- local hazards
- preparing for emergencies
- responding during emergencies.
Read the plan, a summary of the plan and our hazard factsheet to learn:
- how to prepare for an emergency
- what you and your family should do in an emergency
- who to contact to report a problem
- how to respond to different hazards in your area.
Franklin Local Board achievements reports
This report provides an overview of the achievements for the Franklin Local Board for the 2023/2024 financial year.
Get a copy of the report
Get a copy of the previous reports
These reports provide an overview of the achievements for the Franklin Local Board in previous years.
Franklin Local Board and Auckland Transport Kōkiri Agreement
Kōkiri is a joint agreement between Auckland Transport and Franklin Local Board for transport plans in the local board area.
The document sets out agreed levels of engagement for programmes of work Auckland Transport will deliver on behalf of the Franklin community.
It also includes projects and programmes that are not currently funded but could be delivered by Auckland Transport in the future.
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Clevedon Village and Clevedon Showgrounds concept plans 2024
These concept plans will inform future development of community places in Clevedon. The plans were formally adopted in August 2024.
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Franklin Local Board Engagement Strategy 2024
This three-year engagement strategy outlines the Franklin Local Board’s commitment to engaging with the community by:
- involving them in important issues or decisions
- supporting community-led initiatives and projects
- empowering community members to contribute to the improvement of their neighbourhood or area.
The strategy also provides guidelines for our staff to build relationships with Franklin’s communities.
Roulston Park Concept Plan
This concept plan will inform future development of Roulston Park in Pukekohe.
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Franklin Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan
The Franklin Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan was adopted in August 2016. The plan was reviewed in March 2019 and the project list was updated.
The purpose of the plan is to provide the Franklin Local Board with direction to assist with the prioritisation of future sport and recreation facility investment, taking into account projected population growth.
It will ensure that investment in facilities is in line with the priorities identified in the plan, and that ad-hoc development is limited.
The plan focuses on sport and active recreation facilities under a wide range of ownership structures (including council-owned facilities, private facilities, club-owned facilities and those owned by not-for-profit groups).
The geographical area of the plan includes the Franklin Local Board area and the northern part of the Waikato district, including Pokeno, Tuakau, Port Waikato and Onewhero.
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Pukekohe Area Plan
The Pukekohe Area Plan, adopted in 2014, outlines how Pukekohe is envisaged to grow and change over the next 30 years. It gives outcomes and the actions that will help to achieve them.
While most other area plans cover a full local board area, the Pukekohe Area Plan provides a response to the growth direction in the Auckland Plan, in which Pukekohe is identified as a satellite town.
It also allowed the Franklin Local Board to provide direction on zoning and the rural urban boundary now included in the Auckland Unitary Plan for the Pukekohe area.
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Waiuku Trails Plan
The Waiuku Trails Plan provides an aspirational plan of local walking and cycling paths in Waiuku.
It was adopted by the local board in December 2017, and is part of the wider Auckland Council local paths initiative.
Email to find out more about how the Waiuku Trails Plan is being delivered in partnership with local community groups or to register your interest in becoming a volunteer.
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Pōhutukawa Coast Trails Plan
The Pōhutukawa Coast Trails Plan is an aspirational plan for walking, cycling and bridle paths in the Maraetai/Beachlands area. The plan was adopted by the local board in June 2017.
To find out more, email about how the Pōhutukawa Trails Plan is being delivered in partnership with local community groups or to register your interest in becoming a volunteer.
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Pukekohe-Paerata Paths Plan
The Pukekohe-Paerata Paths Plan outlines the long-term local path network within the Franklin Local Board area for Pukekohe-Paerata.
The plan identifies priority projects for funding and implementation over the coming years.
This aspirational plan is intended for use by Franklin Local Board, council departments, council-controlled organisations (CCOs), community groups, private developers and other interested parties.
It was adopted by the Franklin Local Board in December 2018 and is part of the wider Auckland Council local paths initiative.
Email for more information.
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Pukekohe Subdivision Paths Plan - Clarks Beach, Waiau Beach and Waiau Pa
This plan outlines the future local path network for the Clarks Beach, Waiau Beach and Waiau Pa areas.
It identifies priority projects over the coming years.
This plan will be used by:
- Franklin Local Board
- Auckland Council departments
- council-controlled organisations (CCOs)
- iwi
- community groups
- private developers
- interested parties.
The Franklin Local Board adopted the plan in December 2021 as part of an Auckland-wide local paths initiative.
Email for more information.
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Pukekohe-Paerata Structure Plan
The Pukekohe-Paerata Structure Plan guides the area's future urban development.
Adopted on 6 August 2019, it sets out a pattern of land use and the supporting infrastructure network for the future urban growth of Pukekohe-Paerata.
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See Pukekohe-Paerata Structure Plan page.
Sunkist Bay Concept Plan
This plan provides an overview of potential facility upgrades for Sunkist Bay in Beachlands.
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Wairoa River Catchment Action Plan
The Wairoa River Catchment Action Plan outlines the issues faced by the Wairoa River and details projects and opportunities to restore its health.
The plan was developed with support from the Franklin Local Board.
Friends of Te Wairoa Catchment deliver community led projects in the area.
Email for more information, including how to be involved.
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