Te puni herekore i Tāmaki Makaurau
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Auckland.
Check for areas where you cannot freedom camp in Auckland, and where you can camp but with extra restrictions.
You can get an infringement notice and fine if you camp at a reserve or do not meet the rules for freedom camping.
Find out how to pay or dispute a freedom camping fine, and about freedom camping fines and infringements.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Albert-Eden Local Board.
Find out the rules for freedom camping on Aotea / Great Barrier Island.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Devonport-Takapuna Local Board area.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Franklin.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Henderson-Massey.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Hibiscus and Bays.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Howick.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Kaipātiki.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Manurewa.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Maungakiekie-Tāmaki.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Ōrākei.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Ōtara-Papatoetoe.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Papakura.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Puketāpapa.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Rodney.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Upper Harbour.
Find out the rules for freedom camping on Waiheke Island.
Find out the rules for freedom camping at the Waitākere Ranges.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Waitematā.
Find out the rules for freedom camping in Whau.
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